A 20/30 Gbps CMOS Backplane Driver with Digital Pre-emphasis Paul Westergaard, Timothy Dickson, and Sorin Voinigescu University of Toronto Canada
Outline Motivation Design Goals Circuit Description and Design Experimental Results Summary and Conclusion
Motivation Application Serial inter-chip communications over backplanes at 20-Gb/s. Unfulfilled Needs CMOS implementation over 10-Gbps > 30 dB dynamic range, low-power Programmable width and height pre- emphasis to increase receiver simplicity Prior Art Previous CMOS backplane drivers have only achieved 10 Gb/s data rate.
Design Goals 30-Gb/s main path operation without pre-emphasis 20-Gb/s fully featured operation with –‘digital’ pre-emphasis –eye-crossing –output swing control High Sensitivity (<10 mVpp per side) Large output swing (>350 mVpp per side) 50-Ohm input/output matching 1.5 V supply 130 nm CMOS implementation
Circuit Design and Description
Biasing for peak f T and NF MIN Peak f T bias 0.3mA/um Min. NF MIN 0.15mA/um Multi-stage amplifiers with signal path transistors biased at half peak fT
Circuit Architecture Multi-stage amplifier implementation Input stage biased and sized for high gain and low noise Inductive broad-banding in every inverter stage to reduce power and increase speed Main (higher-speed) and pre- emphasis paths are parallelized
Block Diagram
Input Matching and Low-Noise Comparator
Eye-crossing Control *D. S. McPherson, S. Voinigescu et al IEEE GaAs IC Symp. - Oct. 2002
Digital Pre-emphasis Delay Circuit
Digital Differentiator
Inductor design considerations Inductor broadband “2- ” model model extracted for design from ASITIC simulations. Multi-layer ( 2 or 3 metals) design used to minimize inductor area (400, 700, 900 pH used) Largest inductor side is 44 um (900 pH)
Experimental Results
Chip Photograph
Input/Output Return Loss
Measured Eye-diagrams: 0.3Vp-p output 20 Gb/s 25 Gb/s 30 Gb/s
Sensitivity 20 Gb/s30 Gb/s Input: 21mVpp one side only Output: 80mVpp per side
20-Gbs Eye with Pre-emphasis
Output Swing Input: 200mVpp one side only Output: 170mVppOutput: 340mVpp
Output Swing Gbps Output: 170mVppOutput: 270mVpp (Gain at 30 Gb/s!) Input: 200mVpp one side only
30%-70% Crossing Gbs 70%30% 50%
40%-60% Crossing 25 Gbs 60%40% 50%
Summary and Conclusion
Performance Summary ParameterMeasured val. Technology130nm CMOS Supply Voltage1.5 V Power Dissipation150 mW Output 20 Gb/s mVp-p 20 Gb/s30%/10% Crossing 20Gb/s30% to 70% Eye 20 Gb/s20(10) mVpp Dynamic 20 Gb/s 30 dB Noise Figure(10GHz,15GHz)16.5 dB, 17 dB S11/S22 up to 50 GHz<-12 dB
Conclusion First CMOS driver above 20 Gb/s Novel digital pre-emphasis High sensitivity, dynamic range Large output swing Eye-crossing control Communications between chips and backplanes is feasible at 20 Gb/s in 130-nm CMOS technology
Acknowledgements Rudy Beerkens and Boris Prokes of STMicroelectronics Ottawa STMicroelectronics for fabrication Micronet and Gennum Corporation for financial support Quake Technologies for access to 40 Gb/s BERT