Consultation Days May, June 2014 Open Day at The Chiddingfold Archive - Sat 10 th May Evening Meeting at The Village Hall - Thu 15 th May Village Fete – Sun 8 th June
Ten questions posed 1. What is good about the area? 2. What is bad about the area? 3. What makes a neighbourhood good to live and work in? 4. What pressures affect the area now and in the future? 5. What needs to change? 6. What do you think of Coxcombe Lane recreation site? Does it work for you? 7. What do you think about Coombe Common? 8. What do you think about our community facilities and buildings? 9. Which three words would you use to describe Chiddingfold now? 10.Which three words would you use to describe Chiddingfold in the future?
1. What is good about the area? Rurality, village feel, Post Office, shops, The Green, open spaces, allotments, community spirit, green friendly, plenty of things to do, footpath, sports facilities, community, historic buildings, Bonfire, Fete…
2. What is bad about the area? Buses, potholes, traffic, broadband, lack of teen activities, litter, road safety, lorries, expensive, not enough to do, incomers not taking part…
3. What makes a neighbourhood good to live and work in? Clubs for all ages, buses and trains, communications, broadband, parking, surgery, social cohesion, allotments, sports facilities, pubs, working from home…
4. What pressures affect the area now and in the future? Housing, population growth, infrastructure pressures, home upgrading, Post Office at risk, affordable housing, Dunsfold park impact, high speed internet, hollowing out of population profile (25-45) …
5. What needs to change? Broadband, low-cost housing, sheltered housing, cycle paths, more for young people, better amenities, sports facilities (new, better, different variety), scout hut, drains, road safety, village hall upgrades…
6. What do you think of Coxcombe Lane recreation site? Does it work for you? Keep as open space, tennis courts need repair, safe, needs social hub area, path all around, protect it, important central village space…
7. What do you think about Coombe Common? Keep it open build a pavilion, use more for teenagers, some housing could be here, walkable by all in village, extend allotments, needs a loo …
8. What do you think about our community facilities and buildings? Good village hall, lack of skateboard facility, basketball, junior sports require more facilities, Villagers under-used, good cricket ground, scout hut potential for other uses, too many small halls…
Q9. 3 words to describe Chiddingfold now
Q10. 3 words to describe Chiddingfold in the future