Congressional Oversight What is oversight? How is it used as a check on the other branches? What are examples of Congressional oversight?
Oversight video
The breakdown Oversight—review, monitoring, and supervision of federal agencies, activities, programs, and policy implementation Exercises power mostly through standing committees Also happens in Congressional activities –Hearings: appropriations, legislative, investigative –Special investigations by select committees (9/11 commission) –Reviews/studies by support agencies/staff
Purposes of oversight Improve efficiency, effectiveness of gov’t Evaluate programs & performance Detect & prevent gov’t waste, abuse, unconstitutional conduct, poor program admin Protect civil liberties and rights Ensure executive policies reflect public interest Ensure laws’ outcome match intended purpose Gather information to develop new legislative proposals or amend existing laws
Where does power come from? Woodrow Wilson: “Quite as important as legislation is vigilant oversight of administration” Power mostly comes from “implied powers” of necessary and proper clause in the Constitution –GAO is main office for supporting oversight System of checks/balances Public laws House and Senate rules
Important oversight functions Congressional review—Congress can make agency laws invalid through a joint resolution within 60 days of passage –Congressional Review Act of 1996 Foreign policy/national security –War Powers Act of 1973/1974 Confirm presidential appointments— “advice and consent of the Senate” Impeachment process—investigating potential unconstitutional actions of federal officeholders –“House impeaches, Senate convicts” Senatorial courtesy– process by which presidents, when choosing a federal judge, defer to the senator’s opinion in the state where the judge will hold court
Historic Examples of Oversight 1974 Nixon “Watergate” investigation 1985 Bork SC confirmation hearings impeachment trial of Bill Clinton /11 Commission hearings 2006 FEMA investigation regarding Hurricane Katrina