Office of Economic Adjustment Department of Defense National Governors Association BRAC Briefing May 10, 2005
Why OEA? Fundamental mission of DoD is national security Expertise, experience, and apparatus to assist communities are well established within OEA, as a DoD field activity, and the other federal agencies to assist communities Created to help State and local governments plan and carry out community adjustment and diversification programs in response to Defense actions, including base closures or realignments Technical assistance- provide information and advice on developing and implementing projects that promote economic adjustment; bring agencies and services together to work as a team. Financial assistance – provide grants to help communities develop strategies and base reuse plans Partner with an affected community to support community-based actions
The Office of Economic Adjustment shall directly, and in coordination with the other resources of the Federal Government, assist communities to: 1.Plan and carry out responsive adjustment strategies; 2.Capably engage the private sector in planning and reuse of surplus property; and 3.Effectively partner with the Military Departments as they strive to implement BRAC actions in support of the Department’s warfighting mission. Office of Economic Adjustment Mission Statement
Community-based Approach OEA BRAC Assistance multi-year grant recipients Activities include: LRA support; detailed land-use planning studies; ops plan; business plan; reuse plan 29 single-year grant recipients Activity: Reuse plan Assistance delivered through an assigned project manager Impacts vary by location, timing, and circumstances that will drive a tailored response (minimal, moderate, significant)
Community Time to Organize and Plan for Reuse BRAC Year Average Days Statutory Requirement: Months
Civilian Job Replacement at Major Closed Bases
BRAC Lessons Learned Flexibility - no two locations are alike Highest and best use - planned uses are not always consistent with the former use Zoning power - Communities control/assist redevelopment through planning and zoning Public and private funds for the purchase and redevelopment of BRAC property are scarcer for rural communities Partnering with Military Departments –a cooperative relationship is key to expediting the property disposal process
Working with Federal Agencies Defense Economic Adjustment Program Managed and directed by OEA DoD Directive and Executive Order President’s Economic Adjustment Committee Chaired by SECDEF and co-vice chaired by Secretaries of Commerce and Labor Executive Order updates membership and adds regulatory issues to purview Partner with an affected community to support community-based actions OEA staff liaisons Site team visits Primary partners usually include EDA, Labor, and HUD Periodically, Interior, FAA, Education, HHS, BoP, MARAD, RDA, etc.
OEA Federally Coordinated BRAC Assistance 1989-Present* ($ mil) * Source: GAO 2005
BRAC 05 OEA Community Assistance Advanced Planning Grants (Jun 04- May 05) Local conceptual reuse &/or diversification planning State Planning Grants State-wide adjustment or diversification Dual Tracking Grants (16 May- Sept 05) State/Local adjustment while S/L govt. pursues other options Seed Grants (Issuance of BRAC Commission Report) State/local adjustment with operational support Complete Adjustment Assistance (Closure/Realignment Approval Date) State/local adjustment full support package Growth Planning Assistance (Depends on Situation) State/local adjustment preliminary to full support package
Office of Economic Adjustment State Grant Assistance Assist a State in enhancing its capacities to assist communities, businesses, and workers adversely affected by a closure or realignment to support local adjustment and diversification initiatives; and, to stimulate cooperation between statewide and local adjustment and diversification efforts. Eligible activities Develop a State-wide adjustment or diversification strategy responding to base closures/realignments; Build staff capacity to assist or coordinate assistance to defense-impacted communities, firms, and/or workers
Office of Economic Adjustment Previous State Initiatives California Staff, newsletter, coordination, oversee matching grant program Colorado Statewide response, administrative capacity Indiana Identify state dependencies, coordinate state and regional resources New York Coordinate state resources South Carolina Coordinate resources, identify statewide defense impacts, formulate diversification strategies