The Vietnam War. Ho Chi Minh Created the Indochinese Communist Party that fought for Vietnamese independence from France.


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Presentation transcript:

The Vietnam War

Ho Chi Minh Created the Indochinese Communist Party that fought for Vietnamese independence from France

Domino Theory The idea that if a nation falls under Communist control, then nearby nations would also fall under Communist control The U.S. feared this would happen in Asia if Vietnam was allowed to have a Communist controlled government

Geneva Accords 1954 peace agreement Divided Vietnam into Communist held North Vietnam and non- Communist South Vietnam Unification elections were to be held in 1956

Vietcong South Vietnamese Communists who, with the North Vietnamese help, fought against the South Vietnamese government

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution The U.S. claims that a destroyer was fired upon by North Vietnam 1964, gave President Johnson broad powers to wage war in Vietnam

General William Westmoreland Led the American forces in Vietnam

Chemical Warfare Napalm: a gasoline substance used in bombs that U.S. planes dropped in Vietnam to burn away jungle and expose Vietcong hideouts Agent Orange: A toxic chemical sprayed by U.S. planes in Vietnam to expose Vietcong hideouts

Tet Offensive A massive surprise attack by the Vietcong on South Vietnamese towns and cities in 1968 Showed that the war was not going as well as hoped and support began to severely decline

Richard Nixon’s Vietnamization Nixon’s strategy for ending U.S. involvement in the war by gradually withdrawing American troops from Vietnam

My Lai Massacre Village in northern South Vietnam Suspected of being a Vietcong hideout More than 200 unarmed men, women, and children were murdered by U.S. troops in 1968

Kent State Kent State University is located in Ohio May 4, 1970 students protest the Vietnam War National Guard troops called in and open fire, killing 4 and wounding 9

Pentagon Papers 7,000 page document, leaked to the press in 1971 Revealed that the U.S. government had not been honest about its intentions in Vietnam

War Powers Act Law enacted in 1973 Limited the President’s right to send troops into battle without consulting congress