Supplemental Figure 1 Sham+Sham (N = 40) Sham+SPX (N = 40) AAC+Sham (N = 40) AAC+SPX (N = 40) AAC+SPX+IL-10 (N = 40) Day 2Day 4Day 14Day 28 echocardiography 8 Flowcytometry, western blotting 8 cytokine’s assays, qPCR, Westernblotting using LA and spleen immunostaining of LA and spleen 8 cytokine’s assays, qPCR, westernblotting using LA and spleen immunostaining of LA and spleen 8 cytokine’s assays, qPCR, westernblotting using LA immunostaining of LA 8 cytokine’s assays, qPCR, westernblotting using LA immunostaining of LA 8 cytokine’s assays, qPCR, westernblotting using LA immunostaining of LA 8 immunostaining of LA and spleen 8 immunostaining of LA and spleen 8 immunostaining of LA 8 immunostaining of LA 8 immunostaining of LA 8 immunostaining of LA and spleen 8 immunostaining of LA and spleen 8 immunostaining of LA 8 immunostaining of LA 8 immunostaining of LA 8 EPS, special or immunostaining of LA, LV and spleen 8 EPS, special or immunostaining of LA, LV and spleen 8 EPS, special or immunostaining of LA, LV 8 EPS, special or immunostaining of LA, LV 8 EPS, special or immunostaining of LA, LV 8 Flowcytometry, western blotting
Supplemental Figure 2
Supplemental Figure 3
Supplemental Figure 4
Supplemental Figure 5
Supplemental Figure 6
Supplemental Figure 7 C
Supplemental Figure 8
Supplemental Figure 9
Supplemental Figure 10