TTIT33 Algorithms and Optimization – Organisation Jan Maluszynski - HT 2006O.1 TTIT33 – Tema Algorithms and Optimization Organization issues Jan Maluszynski, IDA, Subject: TTIT33
TTIT33 Algorithms and Optimization – Organisation Jan Maluszynski - HT 2006O.2 Course Goals Efficient solving of optimization problems Algorithms -Basics of algorithms analysis (complexity) -Abstract Data Types : abstract formulation of commonly used data-processing operations -Data structures: commonly used techniques of representing data in computer memory -Standard solutions for commonly used problems: sorting, searching, selection Optimization –Combinatorial optimization problems –Their complexity analysis –Classification of such problems and efficient algorithms for their solution
TTIT33 Algorithms and Optimization – Organisation Jan Maluszynski - HT 2006O.3 Staff Jan Maluszynski IDA: –Course leader –Lectures in Algorithms Kaj Holmberg MAI: –Lectures in Optimization –Labs in Optimization Fredrik Kuivinen IDA: –Labs in Algorithms /Java Eva Törnqvist TEMA: –Evaluation of presentation technique at the oral exam Simin Nadjm-Tehrani IDA: –Terminansvarig Anne Moe IDA –Course secretary
TTIT33 Algorithms and Optimization – Organisation Jan Maluszynski - HT 2006O.4 The components Algorithms – 7 Lectures – 1 Lab IDA; register in WebReg this week Optimization –14 Sessions including lectures and problem solving –2 Labs MAI Own studies: 202 hours ! –Base groups –Scenarios (Vinjetter) –Integration Lab: Data Structures in Optimization techniques, solved in base groups
TTIT33 Algorithms and Optimization – Organisation Jan Maluszynski - HT 2006O.5 Exams Written exam – problems on algorithms and on optimization – allowed material: the books at home page Oral exam –An optimization problem distributed in advance –An algorithm is to be developed (pseudocode) –Individual oral presentation of the solution to 3 teachers; 15 min + discussion Register today for December or January
TTIT33 Algorithms and Optimization – Organisation Jan Maluszynski - HT 2006O.6 Scenarios/Vinjetter Published at the homepage describe situations for using techniques taught in this course are to be used for discussions in base groups Scenario 3 is the base for the Integration Lab addressing both algorithms and optimization.
TTIT33 Algorithms and Optimization – Organisation Jan Maluszynski - HT 2006O.7 Selected Literature Algorithms –Goodrich, Tamassia: Data Structures and Algorithms in Java (4th edition), 2005 –Cormen et al.: Introduction to Algorithms (2nd edition), 2001 –Lewis, Denenberg: Data Structures & Their Algorithms, 1991 (out of print) –On-line collection of problems and solutions (TDDB57) linked at home page Optimization –Kaj Holmberg: Kombinatorisk optimiering med linjärprogrammering (kompendium 2005)