Close reading of informational texts: Understanding text-dependent questions Arch Workshop June 10, 2015 Presented by: Suzy Kaback Associate professor of Literacy Education St. Catherine University Wiki: Agenda Introductions Introductions Workshop Goals Context Building for the CCSS-ELA Quick Write Watch: Close Reading in the classroomClose Reading in the classroom Digging Deeper: Text-Dependent Questions Hands-on activity: Creating and evaluating text-dependent questions Discussion 2 Goals for this workshop 1.Develop a robust understanding of close reading as it relates to the CCSS-ELA 2.Define text-dependent questions 3.Identify the 3 categories of text-dependent questions 4.Evaluate sample questions using a checklist to determine whether or not they are text-dependent 5.Practice writing text-dependent questions using sentence starters 6.Discuss issues that bubble up during conversations about close reading 7.Consider challenges and opportunities related to teaching students to read closely 3 The CCSS Requires Three Shifts in ELA/Literacy 1. Regular practice with complex text and its academic language 2. Reading, writing and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and instructional 3. Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction 4 Shift # 2: Text-Dependent Questions 1. Regular practice with complex text and its academic language 2. Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational 3. Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction 5 Time – In and Out of the Text More instructional time spent outside the text means less time inside the text. Departing from the text in classroom discussion privileges only those who already have experience with the topic. It is easier to talk about our experiences than to analyze the text—especially for students reluctant to engage with reading. The CCSS are College and Career Readiness Standards. 6 Close Reading & TDQs: Where are we? Write for two minutes about close reading and/or text-dependent questions. Possible topics How do you define close reading? What do you want to know more about in connection with close reading? What do you want to know more about in connection with text- dependent questions. As a teacher, what experience do you have with close reading and TDQs? How has experience with close reading and TDQs influenced your thinking about teaching reading? What is challenging about close reading and TDQs? What do you embrace about close reading and TDQs? What controversies swirl around the concept of close reading and TDQs ? 7 What is close reading? It is an interaction between the reader and the text. It is about making careful observations of a text and then interpretations of those observations. It involves rereading; often rereading a short portion of a text that helps a reader to carry new ideas to the whole text From p. 4 in Falling in love with close reading (2014, Lehman and Roberts) Effective close reading instruction meets the academic demands of the approach with the engagement needs of students. 8 Teachers Talk: Close Reading in ActionClose Reading in Action 9 Text-Dependent Questions are not… Low-level, literal, or recall questions Focused on comprehension strategies Just questions… 10 Text-Dependent Questions... Can only be answered with evidence from the text. Can be literal (checking for understanding) but must also involve analysis, synthesis, evaluation. Focus on word, sentence, and paragraph, as well as larger ideas, themes, or events. Focus on difficult portions of text in order to enhance reading proficiency. Can also include prompts for writing and discussion questions. 11 Three Types of Text-Dependent Questions When you're writing or reviewing a set of questions, consider the following three categories: Questions that assess themes and central ideas Questions that assess knowledge of vocabulary Questions that assess syntax and structure--the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences 12 Non-Examples and Examples 13 In “Casey at the Bat,” Casey strikes out. Describe a time when you failed at something. In “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” Dr. King discusses nonviolent protest. Discuss, in writing, a time when you wanted to fight against something that you felt was unfair. In “The Gettysburg Address” Lincoln says the nation is dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Why is equality an important value to promote? What makes Casey’s experiences at bat humorous? What can you infer from King’s letter about the letter that he received? “The Gettysburg Address” mentions the year According to Lincoln’s speech, why is this year significant to the events described in the speech? Not Text-DependentText-Dependent Creating Text-Dependent Questions 14 Step One:Identify the core understandings and key ideas of the text. Step Two:Start small to build confidence. Priorities:Target vocabulary and text structure. Priorities:Tackle tough sections head-on. Step Three:Create coherent sequences of text-dependent questions. Step Four:Identify the standards that are being addressed. Step Five:Create the culminating assessment. Core Understanding and Key Ideas Reverse-engineered or backwards-designed Crucial for creating an overarching set of successful questions Critical for creating an appropriate culminating assignment 15 My favorite hack for identifying a core understanding in a text Read the text. Re-read and annotate. Re-read the title. Think of an appropriate subtitle based on your understanding of the content. Your subtitle will likely capture a core understanding of the whole text. 16 17 TDQs focused on core understandings from Totem Poles and Bird Nests articles 1. Totem PolesTotem Poles 2. Bird NestsBird Nests 18 Another strategy for identifying a text’s core understanding Ask yourself this question: How will this text help my students build knowledge about the world? 19 Core Understanding and Key Ideas: Example from Because of Winn-Dixie Core Understanding and Key Idea: Two people of very different ages may still have much in common and become friends. Synopsis: Opal has just moved to a new town in a new state and has no friends yet. Through a series of comic mishaps inadvertently started by her very special dog, Winn-Dixie, Opal meets Miss Franny, the town librarian. Opal realizes they have much in common and a friendship is ignited. 20 Culminating Tasks Should relate to core understanding and key ideas. A coherent sequence of text dependent questions will scaffold students toward successfully completing the culminating task. Example: “The title of this selection is ‘Because of Winn-Dixie.' Using your answers from the questions above and class discussion, explain why this is an appropriate title for the selection. Be sure to clearly cite evidence from the text for each part of your answer.” “Officer Buckle’s final safety tip is 'ALWAYS STICK WITH YOUR BUDDY.' How did he and Gloria each learn this lesson for themselves throughout the story?” 21 Checking for Understanding Which of the following does not describe a text-dependent question? A.Questions that focus on vocabulary B.Questions that focus on the core understanding and key details of a text C.Questions that focus on connections readers make between the text and their own lives. D.Questions that focus on syntax, or the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences. 22 Vocabulary Which words should be taught? Those that are... Essential to understanding text Likely to appear in future reading Often repeated in the text Which words should get more time and attention? More abstract words (as opposed to concrete words) persist vs. checkpoint noticed vs. accident Words which are part of semantic word family secure, securely, security, secured 23 Vocabulary and Text Dependent Questions From “Hot and Cold Summer” - 5 th grade fictional text “To avoid someone means to keep away from them so that you don’t have to see them and they don’t have to see you. How did the boys avoid meeting Bolivia at first?” (pg. 23) Re-read the last two paragraphs on page 39. Rory had a “strong suspicion”. What is a suspicion? What details in the story made Rory suspicious of Bolivia? 24 Structure/Syntax and Text-Dependent Questions Text-dependent questions can be crafted to point students’ attention to features of text that enhance understanding (such as how section headers and captions lead to greater clarity or provide hints regarding what is most important in informational text, or how illustrations add to a narrative). As you think about writing TDQs related to syntax and structure, ask yourself, “How is this author supporting my understanding of the content through the way s/he tells the story, structures the text, organizes information, adds visual information and access features?” 25 Structure/Syntax and Text Dependent Questions Specific example of structure/syntax questions: From The Boy Who Invented the Television: “Look at the illustrations on page 31. Why did the illustrator include details like the power outlets in the walls?” From Wolves: Who are the members of the wolf pack? How many wolves are in the pack? To answer this, pay close attention to the use of commas and semi-colons in the last paragraph on pg General question prompts for text structure What new information did you learn from the captions in this text? How does the author help you learn about the setting (time, place, season)? What do you learn from the text? From the illustrations? 26 Newsela 27 Reading Strategies and Text-Dependent Questions Text-dependent questions generally call on students to employ reading strategies. Strategies are no longer taught in isolation. The text and readers’ need to comprehend it should determine what strategies are activated - not the other way around. 28 Checking for Understanding Which of the following is not a characteristic of text-dependent questions? A.Does the student have to read the text to answer each question? B.Do the questions ask students to make connections with the topic or theme of the text before reading? C.Are the questions specific enough so they can only be answered by reference to this text? D.Do the questions stay focused on the text and only go beyond it to make other connections in extension activities after the text has been explored? 29 Bands 11-CCR K-1 Increased Ability to Use Text Evidence Standards Two through Nine Bands 11-CCR K-1 Standard OneStandard Ten 30 Increasing Range and Complexity Creating Text-Dependent Questions 31 Step One:Identify the core understandings and key ideas of the text. Step Two:Start small to build confidence. Priorities:Target vocabulary and text structure. Priorities:Tackle tough sections head-on. Step Three:Create coherent sequences of text-dependent questions. Step Four:Identify the standards that are being addressed. Step Five:Create the culminating assessment. Workshop: Evaluating TDQs 1. Do you like to take baths? 2. If you were going to give an animal a bath, what would you have to think about ahead of time to be successful? 3. Choose two different animals in this book and point out one similarity in the way they bathe, and one difference. 32 Workshop: Evaluating TDQs 1.What do the authors want us to understand about how living creatures take baths? 2.How do the authors use the glossary in this book? 3.What text structure(s) do the authors use? Was it a good choice? Explain. 4.On page one, the authors talk directly to the reader by asking two questions. What effect do they want this to have? 33 TDQ analysis for the myth of Orpheus and EurydiceOrpheus and Eurydice 34 Evaluating TDQs, continued 35 Workshop: Writing TDQs 1.Choose a text from the pile on your table. They come from the following on-line resources for short, high-quality nonfiction texts:, FYI for Kids, Newsela, Time for Kids, FYI for KidsNewselaTime for Kids 2.Decide if you want to work on your own to write TDQs or with a partner. There are duplicates of all texts to accommodate either decision. 3.Read your text. 4.Re—read and annotate, noting core understandings, key details, language, syntax and structure. 5.Write one TDQ for each category. Think about the sequence of how you would present the questions to students. 6.Share your work with a table partner. 36 Final Thoughts There is no one right way to have students work with text- dependent questions, but let’s watch this video to see close reading in action in a 4 th grade..but let’s watch this video Providing for the differing needs of students means providing and scaffolding supports differentially - not asking easier questions or substituting simpler text. Listening and speaking should be built into any sequence of activities along with reading and writing. “Re-read it, think it, talk it, write it” The CCSS require ALL students to read and engage with grade appropriate complex text regularly. This requires new ways of working in our classrooms. 37 Powerful close reading instruction Must raise engagement and joy, not diminish it. Must lead to student independence, not dependence on teacher’s prompting. Must be one piece of your reading instruction, not the only part of your instruction. Must allow time for students to read for extended periods and across many pages of text, not interrupt time spent reading with activities Must be repeated across time and involve lots of opportunities for practice, not be a one-time, off-the-checklist activity Must be designed in response to the strengths and needs of your students, not planned solely to match a book or fit a scope and sequence. From Falling in Love with Close Reading, p. 5 (Lehman and Roberts, 2014) 38 What are you wondering now? 39 Discussion Topics: Text-Dependent Questions 1.What resources and structures are necessary at a classroom/school/district level to support the shift toward evidence-based reading and writing through the use of text- dependent questions? Are some of these resources and structures already in place in your classroom/school/district? 1.What does a classroom/school/district look and sound like when evidence-based reading and writing is a priority? 1.What are the opportunities and challenges related to the shift toward evidence-based reading and writing? 40 A parting thought... “... As human beings, we already know how to read something closely. [Think about] the details you study closely from that sweater you love or from that person you fell in love with. The patterns you find in how your child acts or how authors you admire write. Think about the ideas you develop about each of these things, and more so the ideas you develop about how they fit into your life.” From Falling in Love with Close Reading, p. 8 (Lehman and Roberts, 2014) 41 Introductions Everyone: What grade/subject do you teach? Choose one: What brought you to this workshop? What’s something you’re looking forward to doing this summer? What’s a great teaching memory from this past year? What have you read, watched or listened to recently that you would recommend to others? Other? 42