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Grades 6 th and 7 th had a paper-based test students received a booklet with 3 lined pages and a planning sheet. LAST YEAR’S PAPER-BASED FORMAT
TBA ………. THIS YEAR…??????
Argumentative Informative TYPES OF FSA WRITING TEST ESSAYS
GENERAL ESSAY FORMAT Introduction BodyConclusion
ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY FORMAT Introduction hook connecting sentences THESIS STATEMENT COUNTER-CLAIM/ REBUTTAL (NOT 6 TH GRADE) Conclusion reword thesis statement add insight clincher Body Paragraphs cite evidence in each elaborate in each
INFORMATIVE ESSAY FORMAT Body Paragraphs cite evidence in each elaborate in each Introduction hook connecting sentences THESIS STATEMENT Conclusion reword thesis statement add insight clincher
HOW TO BEGIN? Read the prompt carefully. Analyze it to make sure you understand exactly what it is telling you to do. First
Read titles of all passages Read headings Read subheadings Study pictures, photos, charts, graphics Read captions Read the text sources Read the three selections. As you read, note: Next
Pick a “side” that you will of the argument that you will stick with for the entire essay. Then
Go back and read the three selections AGAIN, this time highlighting, underlining and taking notes that WILL SUPPORT YOUR SIDE of the argument. Next
Then DETERMINE WHAT ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE IS BEST FOR THE PROMPT/TASK cause/effect problem/solution compare/contrast chronological order order of importance problem/solution main idea and supporting details
PLANNING AND WRITING Use the planning page to plan your essay Write your essay If time permits, review for spelling and punctuation There will not be time for revisions and final copy PACE YOURSELF TO FINISH THE ESSAY ON TIME
CITING EVIDENCE IS CRITICAL Citation of sources is expected. If a student does not use a DIRECT QUOTE from a source, they cannot make higher than a 2 on Evidence. Hover your cursor here and click on ARROW
DIRECT CITATIONS FROM TEXT Hover your cursor here and click on ARROW
NO DIRECT CITATIONS = This student had a beautiful organization but no direct citations. He merely summarized. Hover your cursor here and click on ARROW
NO PLAGIARISM = Plagiarism is when you LIFT or COPY words from a source but do not use “quotation” marks. Whenever y0u write the EXACT words from a text on your essay, you MUST put ALL the words within quotation marks. TIP: After you read a text, close it. Then summarize, paraphrase, analyze and synthesize using your own words.
TIPS TO AVOID PLAGIARIZING You don’t need to be so “wordy” and fill up pages and pages with your essay Quality is better than quantity TIP: read the source, pick one or two quotes, then close the source while you write the rest of the paragraph.
VERY IMPORTANT DO’S Use an appositive Use a direct quote Use a semi-colon GUARANTEED to raise your score. For real! (See my website for links to videos on appositives and semi-colons.)
OTHER DO’S Cite evidence from multiple sources. If possible, cite evidence from all the sources Include “titles” of the source (Pretend that your reader has never read the source you are using and give them all the information to identify the source.)
MORE DO’S Use third person voice Use formal, academically appropriate language Use technical language to sound like an expert Use a variety of transitions Vary sentence structure
NOW THE DO NOT’S Do not use first person voice Do not use “because’” in your thesis statement Do not use an ampersand (which looks like &) Do not use contractions Do not use repetitive vocabulary Do not use repetitive transitions Do not overuse transitions
MORE DO NOT’S Do not use emoticons :( Do not use text talk (lol, rotfl) Do not use lots of !!!!!!!!!!! Do not use slang Do not use vulgarities or curse words Do not use vague words (stuff, thing) Do not use facts outside the text sources DO NOT USE ALL CAPS FOR EMPHASIS
EVEN MORE DO NOT’S Do not assume your audience has read the texts Do not assume your audience knows the topic well