Page 1 Preparation for Professional Practice IPE Poster 05/06 By Add names and student numbers of all group here e.g. Andrea Student - A IPE group number: Tutor: Please indicate which Wessex Bay case study you have chosen to focus this assignment here and give the poster a title.
Page 2 Introduction / Outline Page On this page set out as an introduction what you intend to look at and the sequence. You could use text boxes. 1. Introduction and main themes to be identified 4. Slides will summarise the issues 2. Slides 3-8 will look at issue A 3. Slides will look at issue B
Page 3 Main themes – ideas for layout You can use a number of different layouts including diagrams, pictures and graphs to explore issues, with explanatory text alongside. Remember the group production of a poster assignment will test the following outcomes 1. The ability to explore service user / carer perspectives in health, social care and social work. 2. Insight into the impact of inequality and discrimination, in order to practice in an effective and anti- oppressive manner Amobi Onumaeme Family in South Africa Hospital Staff Local ‘Friends’ Parents
Page 4 Main themes By using pictures you can communicate different messages. You always need to remember that pictures alone are not enough and explanatory text is needed and you should include references to your sources.
Page 5 Some other points to remember 1.Make sure your names, tutors name and group are on the front page. 2.Make sure each of you keeps an electronic and print copy (B&W is fine) of the poster when submitted 3.Keep font size large enough to be read on screen – do not use any font size smaller than size 12 as it then becomes very difficult to read ! 4.This is an academic assignment so you need to reference your academic sources following the Harvard system. That is author / date in the text of the poster and full Harvard reference list at the end of the poster 5.Do not exceed 22 slides in total as that will be interpreted as exceeding the word limit. 6.Always refer to the assignment guidelines - The next slide has the guidelines. You should avoid having ‘text heavy’ pages like this and the next slide, the purpose of the assignment is to produce a poster which is visually attractive and communicates the main themes rather than writing an essay in PowerPoint! Avoid overusing animations in your poster. 7.Once you have finalised the poster you can submit the file on a CD R. The CD plus assignment feedback sheet (with all your names and signatures on) and the completed activity log should be placed in a secure see through folder and placed in the assignment box as any other written piece of work. Please note the CD will not be returned, hence why you need to keep a copy. 8.Do not forget to use your tutorial support to discuss the themes your group intends to raise in the poster. 9.IT support is available for advice on PowerPoint and which BU computers have CD ‘burners’ to copy your CD for submission. You may need to check with IT services as to what features you can display on PowerPoint. Not all BU computers can display some more advanced features of PowerPoint such a video clips and moving images
Page 6 Extract from the assignment guidelines Within your Interprofessional unit group your unit lecturer will divide you into groups (around 3-4 in each group). This assignment requires each group to produce a poster which could be displayed, to explore Service user / carer perspectives and the impact of inequality and discrimination in relation to a case study from the Simulated Community. The cases are: Rohina Webb, Dudley Galloway, Paul Morent, Julia Morgan. Amobi Onumaeme. The aim of the assignment is for the group to produce a posters which explores both the individuals and carers (where appropriate) needs, to explore how those needs may or may not be met and to consider the role of various health professionals may take to ensure each individual and their carers can access the full range of health and social care / support they require. The medium through which you have to produce the poster is PowerPoint and the assignment should be submitted on a CD ROM, a CD R which once is recorded on cannot be changed. The CD ROM should be submitted in the assignment submission box in a secure plastic wallet and clearly labelled with your IPE group number on the disc and all the group members’ names on the external case. You need only submit one marksheet for the marker to give feedback and the signed and completed group activity log. Please make sure that only one file is contained on the CD ROM. It is advisable for each member of the group to keep both an electronic and paper copy of the submitted assignment. The submitted poster should consist of a maximum of 22 slides to include: A title page with group names and an indication of which case from Wessex Bay the group has chosen to use. An introduction outline page A conclusion / summary page A reference / bibliography page (In Harvard Style) Clip art, graphs and text can be used to produce a poster that is visually attractive and communicates effectively the main themes of this assignment. The poster should be readable, please do not use a font size smaller that 12, and the reader should be able to look through the slides and understand the issues you are presenting. By the nature of the assignment word allowance is difficult to count on a poster but no poster should exceed 22 slides. More than 22 slides will be considered over the word limit. You do not need to include a word count on the assignment as it is the number of slides which will be counted.
Page 7 Conclusion / Summary Page Make a succinct statement of the conclusions / summary which you have developed within the poster This will be the penultimate slide of the poster
Page 8 References Using Harvard style list references used. This will be the final slide of the maximum 22 slides you use for your poster