Who is…..(your name-first and last)
Directions Answer all the questions on each slide Delete my text and add your own where necessary (most likely you’ll leave the title of each slide as is) Change font style, size and color if you like (must be readable) Add color and pictures if you have time Add animation and transitions if you have time You will share your presentation with 2-3 students or the entire class (your choice) Delete this slide when finished Print a copy for me- 6 slides per page- and this is part of your grade – Directions to print on next slide – And Rubric on Next slide
Change from Full Slides to 6 Slides Horizontal
Rubric ___/10 completing all slides ___/3 printing correctly the FIRST TIME ___/1 for at least 1 picture or clip art image ___/3 Font Readable ___/3 NO SENTENCES, Only Phrases TOTAL POINTS____/20
This summer I…. List some of the highlights of your summer Phrases ONLY NO SENTENCES!
This year I’m most excited about… Social related School related Activity related (clubs, sports…)
My thoughts on technology…. What do you like? What do you dislike?
In Word I can… Tell me what you know how to do in MS Word – MS stands for Microsoft
In PowerPoint I can… Tell me what you know how to do in MS PowerPoint
In Excel I can… Tell me what you know how to do in MS Excel
I use the Internet for school… Tell me how you use the resources online to help make you successful at school
For Fun I like to use the Internet for… What do you spend most of your time online doing?
In Integrated Tech this year I would like to learn how to….. What do you want to learn List as many things as you want in order from most important to least important Technology is always changing so I am always creating new projects!