Welcome to Keyboarding/ Computer Applications Class Georgetown Middle School Welcome to Mrs. Michael’s computer applications class! I expect that we will have a year filled with a lot fun yet educational activities, discussions, and LEARNING!! My goal is to make learning keyboarding & computer applications interesting & educational. If you find you have any questions at all please call or me!
Georgetown Middle School Mrs. Michael’s Keyboarding / Computer Applications Class. Grading Scale: = A = B = C = D 0-69 = F Keyboarding Classwork = 40% Quizzes = 15% Tests = 35% Homework / Practice =10 % 3-prong folder with pockets (Blue) Notebook paper USB flash Drive An assignment is considered late if not handed in when collected. Makeup work is given for absences and due within three days of return. Computer Apps Classwork =40 % Quizzes = 20% Tests = 30% Homework / Practice = 10% Textbook Introductory to Microsoft Office 2010 Authors: Pasewark and Pasewark Supplies: #2 pencil Set of earbuds or headphones - Optional ISBN-13: Publisher: Cengage Learning
Student Contract I promise to: Be respectful Arrive to class on time / submit all assignments on time Raise my hand if I have a question Remain in my assigned seat Keep the classroom clean by picking up my trash before I leave the class / keeping all equipment clean I am aware that the first warning results in a verbal warning, the second warning results in a call to parent / guardian, third offense results in a referral to the office Signed ____________________________________(Student) Signed ____________________________(Parent/Guardian)
Keyboarding/Computer Applications – Course Description Course Code: 5100/5008 Course Credit:.5 (1 st semester) /.5 (2 nd semester) The keyboarding course is designed to provide an opportunity for students to master the skill of entering alphabetic, numeric, and symbolic information on a keyboard and a ten-key pad using the touch method of key stroking. Emphasis is placed on development of accuracy and speed, proper techniques, and correct fingering. Formatting of basic documents will be introduced
Course Description (cont’d) The computer applications course will introduce students to software applications that are necessary to live and work in a technological society. The applications covered include word processing, database, spreadsheet, and presentation
Keyboarding – State Standards Students will comprehend and master: Safety Student Organizations Technology Knowledge Personal Qualities and Employability Skills Professional Knowledge Keyboarding Mastery Language Skills Document Formatting
Computer Applications – State Standards Students will comprehend and master: Safety and Ethics Employability Skills Student Organizations Word Processing Software Applications Spreadsheet Software Applications Presentation Software Applications Database Software Applications Project / Simulation Learning