ALI IBN ABU THALIB.  Born in Mecca arround the year 24 B.H (600 CE)  Father : Abu Thalib, Prophet Muhammad’s uncle and staunch supporter  Mother :


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Presentation transcript:


 Born in Mecca arround the year 24 B.H (600 CE)  Father : Abu Thalib, Prophet Muhammad’s uncle and staunch supporter  Mother : Fatimah bint Asad  Ali was the young cousin of Prophet Muhammad  Ali was the first boy to embrace Islam when he was 10.  His wife is Fatimah az-Zahra  Ali (ra) stayed in the bed of the Holy Prophet (saw) the night when the Holy Prophet (saw) left Mecca for Medina

Ali was raised and educated by Prophet Muhammad and his first wife Khadijah. Ali spent his childhood with Fatimah, the youngest daughter of Muhammad and Khadijah. Ali was the young cousin and son in law of Prophet Muhamad. He spent his childhood emulating the noble character of his beloved cousin, and his youth learned the details of Islam. Ali grew into a noble warrior, physically strong and assertive but with a humble heart, filled with love for God and His Messenger Muhammad. Muslims remember Ali for his courage, his honesty, his generous and kind behaviour towards others, and his unswerving devotion to Islam.

Some years later when the Muslim community had migrated from Mecca to the city of Medina Ali went to Prophet Muhammad and proposed marriage to Fatimah. Ali got married Fatimah and Prophet Muhammad himself performed their marriage ceremony. Ali never married another woman while she was alive. They had four children: al-Hasan, al-Husayn, Zaynab, and Umm Kulthum

 After Uthman Ibn Affan was murdered in the service of The Muslim nation, Ali was chosen as the fourth of those known as the rightly guided Caliphs. Many Muslims were eager for Ali to take on leadership but Ali was concerned that already the seeds of rebellion were being sewn among the believers.  On June 23, 656 AD, Ali (ra) was chosen as the fourth successor of the Holy Prophet (saw)  The death of Uthman (ra) resulted in complete disorder in the city of Medina.  Ali (ra) moved the capital of the Muslim State from Medina to Kufa in Iraq, which was a more central place

 During Ali become the fourth caliph, war broke out amongst the Muslims and Ali found himself attemptig to lead a nation beset with rebellion and in fighting.  two fitnahs or battles broke out amongst Muslims during the era of Ali, the Jamal battle, and Siffin battle.  The first fitnah, , followed the assassination of Uthman, continued during the caliphate of Ali, and was ended by Muawiyah’s assumption of the caliphate  The second fitnah occured later when Ali was challenged by Muawiyah I, the governor of Syam (Syria) and the cousin of Uthman, who refused Ali’s demands for allegiance and called for revenge for Uthman  Skirmishes between the parties led to the Battle of Siffin in 657.

Battle of Jamal (Camel) battle took place between Ali’s forces and the forces of Aishah (ra) Talha (ra) and Zubair (ra) left their forces even before the battle, and were killed by some other opponents. Aishah’s (ra) forces were defeated, but Ali (ra) gave her due respect and took care of her safety. Aishah (ra) regretted throughout her life to have fought against Ali (ra).

Muawiah (ra), a member of the family of Uthman (ra), and who fought against the Romans during the time of Uthman (ra) had not taken Bai’at at the hands of Ali (ra) After the Battle of Jamal, Ali (ra) urged Muawiah (ra) to take Bai’at in the best interest of Islam. But Muawiah (ra) refused and insisted that the death of Uthman (ra) must be avenged first.

Ali (ra) and Muawiah (ra) Muawiah (ra), with the help of Amr Bin As (ra), started raising an army. Ali (ra) had no choice but to fight Muawiah (ra). In July, 567AD, the two armies met in a battle at Saffain. The battle ended with the agreement that the matter be decided by a committee containing Abu Musa al-Ash’ari (ra), representing Ali (ra), and Amr Bin As (ra) representing Muawia (ra). This agreement ended in failure because Amr Bin As (ra) did not follow the decision agreed upon

Khwarariji ‘The Outsiders’ A group of people who were basically against the decision of the committee. They separated and chose an independent Amir for themselves. Ali (ra) first tried to persuade them to follow him, but failed. This led to a fierce battle in which most of the Khawariji were killed.

Death Khawariji planned to assassinate Ali (ra), Muawiah (ra) and Amr bin As (ra). The latter two escaped from the attempts on their lives. Ali (ra) was fatally wounded by his attacker, while going to the mosque for Fajr prayer Two days latter, he passed away on 20th Ramadan, 40 AH