Dative Case dative case = indirect object Quintus servo pecuniam dedit. dat. acc. Quintus gave money to the slave. servo is in the dative case. pecuniam, in the accusative, receives the action directly and is closer to the verb. servo receives the action indirectly and is farther away from the verb.
Dative endings singular plural 1 st decl. 2 nd decl. 3 rd decl 1 st decl. 2 nd decl. 3 rd decl. Nom. -a -us -~~ -ae -i -es Dat. -ae -o -i -is -is -ibus Acc. -am -um -em -as -os -es
puellae canem cupiunt. nom.pl acc. 3 rd person pl. The girls want a dog. pater puellae canem dedit. nom.s. dat.s. acc. 3 rd person s. Father gave a dog to the girl.
Dative = TO or FOR in translation The dative case is caused by verbs of GIVING, TELLING AND SHOWING: I’m giving a present TO you…I told a story TO you…I will show a picture TO you. But it may also be used with regular verbs: I’m making a dress FOR you.
pater mercatori pecuniam dedit. The father gave money to the merchant. puella canibus cenam paravit. The girl prepared dinner for the dogs.
Special verbs that take the dative mercatori credo. I trust the merchant. (I give my trust to the merchant.) nautis favemus. We support the sailors. (We give our support to the sailors.) canibus credit. She trusts the dogs. (she gives her trust to the dogs.)