PROFESSIONAL SELLINGGOLDENCHAPTER 13 NEGOTIATION WIN-WIN DAMN IT!Working to reach an agreement that is mutually satisfactory to both buyer and seller. WIN-WIN DAMN IT! It involves building relationships instead of making one-time deals. Life is negotiation. Negotiation is a process.
PROFESSIONAL SELLINGGOLDENCHAPTER 13 COMMON BUYER CONCERNS Related to need –Might be a conditioned response or cover up. –Sincere non-need = Goodbye! –Best way to create need is to position your product as a good investment. –Overstocked objection: Suggest sale of inventory Trial offer/consignment Purchase inventory
PROFESSIONAL SELLINGGOLDENCHAPTER 13 COMMON BUYER CONCERNS About the product –Product is not established –Product will not be popular –Friends/acquaintances do not like the product –Present product is satisfactory Time –The stall
PROFESSIONAL SELLINGGOLDENCHAPTER 13 COMMON BUYER CONCERNS Related to the source –The loyalty objection Do not criticize Identify problems with your company Profits may come from a second line Superior benefits of your product Encourage a trial order Stay visible and connected
PROFESSIONAL SELLINGGOLDENCHAPTER 13 PRICE CONCERNS Coping with buyers trained in negotiation –Budget limitation tactic –Take-it-or-leave-it tactic –Let-us-split-the-difference tactic Low price strategies/adjustments –Allowances, discounts, match competitor, and/or commission flexibility
PROFESSIONAL SELLINGGOLDENCHAPTER 13 PRICE CONCERNS How to deal with price concerns –Add value with a cluster of satisfactions (TPC and Product Selling Model) –Do not make price the focal point of your presentation –Do not apologize for the price –Explain the difference between price and cost –Do not make concessions quickly
PROFESSIONAL SELLINGGOLDENCHAPTER 13 NEGOTIATING STRATEGIES Anticipate Know the value of your product Prepare Understand problems/concerns Create alternative solutions Find points of agreement Do not destroy relationship with anger!
PROFESSIONAL SELLINGGOLDENCHAPTER 13 NEGOTIATING METHODS Direct denial: Refuting the opinion or belief of the prospect. –Be careful!!!! Indirect denial: Prospect’s concern is valid or at least partially correct. –Most widely used –Feel-Felt-Found