UNDP Support to Implementation of Article 8.(j) 5 February 2002 Montreal. Canada
2 UNDP Support to Countries for Biodiversity activities > 140 countries >1,500 projects (including small grants) > $ 120 million UNDP core > $ 350 million GEF > $ 700 million other sources > $ 1.1 billion in total
3 Emphasis on Capacity Development 104 countries GEF supported BSAP’s 51 countries GEF supported Biodiversity Capacity Assessments > 70 countries GEF supported global environmental management capacity assessments Regional networking, workshops, capacity building eg. Biodiversity Planning Support Programme
4 UNDP and Indigenous Peoples: A Policy of Engagement Fostering an enabling environment for participation, co-existence and inclusion Democratic governance and human rights Poverty reduction Conflict prevention and peace-building Environment and sustainable development
5 Activities related to Article 8.(j) Tenure, rights, governance Medicinal plants, herbal medicines, pharmaceuticals Tourism & ecotourism Rangeland management systems Agrobiodiversity Sustainable resource management
6 Indigenous Knowledge Programme Partnership with Indigenous People’s Biodiversity Network Support of IDRC, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark Increased effectiveness of Indigenous Peoples representatives in the CBD process Multiplier effect towards other international processes “contributed to the continuation and revitalization of indigenous cultures as well as to laying foundations for the sustainable livelihoods of indigenous communities”
7 Key Challenges Achieving win – win combinations of traditional and modern Enabling effective negotiations associated with governance, ownership, control, security, rights Expanding and sharing benefits
8 Effective approaches Small Grants Programmes Networking between communities develops capacity Facilitating and brokering dialogue, consultation and negotiation