Levels of Conflict Intra-groupIntra-group Inter-organizationalInter-organizational Inter-personalInter-personalInter-groupInter-group Intra-personalIntra-personal CONFLICT. NEGOTIATION ENG 100B 1. CONFLICT
Types: Approach/approach – choosing between positive alternatives Avoidance/avoidance – between negative Approach/avoidance – all alternatives have both positive & negative aspects. CONFLICT Intra-personalIntra-personal
Major Sources: Personal characteristics & issues Interactional difficulties Perspective differences Inter-personal CONFLICT Observed behavior (overt, covert conflict) Unresolved issues Personality & Cultural norms Expectations & Perceptions Ego
Naïve realism – the tendency to perceive our own views as objective CONFLICT Information Mental Model The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him. - Leo Tolstoy.
Common sources of conflict: Facts Methods Goals Values CONFLICT Consider Cultural Differences in: 2. Attitude toward conflict Passive Aggressive Assertive 1.
Major factors contributing to conflict: Naïve realism like type A behavior Personal traits – errors in explaining behavior of others Faulty attributions – Communicating in a way that angers or annoy others Poor communication – CONFLICT
Thomas & Kilmann (1974) conflict-handling modes. How to manage a conflict ?
Issue Relations Avoid CompeteCollaborate Accommodate Low High
Types: Relationship conflict Task conflict Process conflict Intra-groupIntra-group Levels of Conflict CONFLICT Cliques small groups of close associates that operate within larger groups.
S Subordinate In-Group Out-Group Leader SSSSSSSSSSSS –Expanded role responsibilities (extra- roles) = In-Group – Formal employment contract (defined-roles) = Out-Group CONFLICT
Categories: Vertical conflict Horizontal (between departments) Line-staff conflict (over authority) Diversity-based Levels of Conflict Inter-groupInter-group CONFLICT
Ultimate attribution error – the tendency to make more favorable attributions about members of one’s own group than others. Social categorization – the tendency to divide the social world into two categories: in-group (“us”) and out-groups (“them”) CONFLICT
Managing Conflict: Useful Techniques the process of offers/counteroffers exchange; and concessions either directly or through representatives. Negotiation – goals that both sides seek and that tie their interests together rather than driving them apart. Subordinate Goals – CONFLICT
Lose Win Lose Win Outcome for me Outcome for you Lose Win NEGOTIATION Distributive Integrative
Positional Bargaining Distributive Bargaining; Win- Lose Interest-Based Bargaining integrative bargaining; mutual gain bargaining; win-win; principled negotiations NEGOTIATION APPROACH NEGOTIATION
Important Factors in Negotiation: 1.Expectations & Mind-Set 2.Ethical Standards 3.Cultural Norms 4.Number of Players NEGOTIATION
A Rational Framework for Negotiation 1.Determine your BATNA – Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement. Reservation Price – the ‘walk away’ point. Aspiration Level – your Goal. NEGOTIATION Tip : Make your best to estimate your opponents BATNA.
Identify true issues & their importance in the negotiation. Tip 1: Ask lots of questions. (playing “dumb”) Tip 2: Give away some information. A Rational Framework for Negotiation NEGOTIATION Integrative Strategy rarely eliminates the Distributive dimension of negotiation. You need to think about both.
Steps: Ambitious, yet Realistic Long-term + sub-goals Important 1. GOALS “Personal Development Plan” Next Class: Presentations:
Goal Setting now target when how Mind Mapping
Steps: 2. Identify Strengths & Weaknesses “Personal Development Plan” 3. Action Plan Good Luck!