Facility Assignment: Remodeling of Oak Lane Elementary School Library By: Tyson Pentecost
Library Profile Built in the 1950’s Serves a small rural school in Hurdle Mills, NC Student population of 234 School Mission: “The Oak Lane tradition of excellence is symbolized by a mighty oak tree deeply rooted by a caring atmosphere, community support, parental involvement, individualization, self-discipline, innovative instruction, patriotism, traditional values, and respect for others. The fruits of our labors are productive citizens who demonstrate self- respect, community involvement, a lifetime love of learning, successful employment, and self-motivation. Oak Lane Elementary School produces successful individuals through combined efforts of caring teachers and supportive staff. All students are expected to work to their highest potential and are encouraged to take pride in their accomplishments. Our mission is discovering the excellence in each of us. We realize this can only be accomplished through the combined efforts of students, faculty, parents, and community. Our purpose is to prepare our students for success in middle and high school and for the future.” Library Mission: The mission of the Oak Lane Elementary School Library program is to provide students with the opportunity to become critical processors and passionate seekers of information through the development of literacy, research, and problem solving skills.
General Library Issues Small, chopped up space Only a few badly situated electrical outlet Harsh overhead florescent lighting Furniture not conducive to wheelchair access No bathroom in library Solutions Remove some existing interior walls Add more electrical outlets both in the floor and along the walls Addition of lamps and dimming switch for overhead lights Rearrange furniture to make it more wheelchair friendly Addition of bathroom
Floor Plan
Entrance Pros: Accessible from the outside Far from noisier areas of the school such as gym or auditorium. Cons: Door is not handicap accessible Only small sign advertising the library Not very inviting or identifiable Solutions: Add large sign to outside to advertise the library and make it more attractive Install button to open doors automatically to make it more handicap accessible Poor concreate for permanent ramp instead of existing wooden one. Entrance
Main Library Area Pros: Natural light from new windows that have blinds New carpet Cons: Not very wheelchair accessible Small Fixed shelving Shelves at heights that are not accessible to all students No signs to direct patrons Solutions: Rearrange furniture for wheelchair access Add small footstools so smaller students can reach top shelves Install casters on existing shelving for easier movement Order new shelving to allow for expansion of library collection Add signs to label different library areas
Circulation Area/Office Pros: Situated in front of the office At a height that is accessible to all students Has a check out computer and barcode scanner Office window to see out into the library Cons: All areas of the library are not visible from this area Small work space for librarian Lacks appropriate electrical outlets Office area is divided into two small offices No copier, or fax machine Solutions: Rearrange furniture for more visibility Order larger circulation desk Knock down wall between two offices to make larger office that can also be used as storage room Add office equipment such as copier and fax machine Installation of more electrical outlets
Circulation Area continued Pros: Height is accessible for all students Cons: Separated from central circulation desk Solution: Rearrange furniture to allow for a more streamlined check/out area near main circulation desk.
Computer Lab Pros: Computer access for many students Cons: Closed off from rest of the library Computers are not moveable Poor N-Computing computer set up Solutions: Knock down wall (red wall) between computer lab and main library to expand space Laptops housed in laptop carts
Instructional Space Pros: Includes a SmartBoard, Projector, and tv Cons: Small area, does not accommodate the recommended 10-15% of students at one time Not secluded enough for instruction during regular library operations Projector is not mounted in the ceiling Solutions: Enlarge space Rearrange furniture so that the space is away from other library activities such as book check out Mount projector in the ceiling to clear floor space
Storage Rooms Pros: Extra space for materials Has sink and counter space Cons: Separated from rest of the library No windows to see out into the library Used as storage when it would be better used as student workspace Solutions: Eliminate wall between two rooms to enlarge space Add technology so space can be used as makerspace. Install tile floors to facilitate clean up in makerspace.
Oak Lane Library Remodeling Budget Furniture Item Price Circulation desk $1,000 4 Reading Floor Rockers $480 Area rug 5 x 7 $250 3 step stools $60 Modular chair lounge seating $620 3 mobile wood shelving units $2,610 2 Adjustable flower activity tables $500 30 locking casters $270 5 adjustable desk lamps $200 Technology Laptop storage cart $2,277 30 hp 14” laptops $9,000 Tablet storage cart for e-books $2,969 30 kindle e-books $2,370 HP copier, printer, scanner all in one $2,299 Signs Outdoor LIBRARY sign $400 5 wall mounted custom signs 6 x 24” 4 wall mounted custom signs 12 x 36” 2 wall mounted custom signs 12 x 48” $188 Remodeling Bathroom addition Price by contract bid Interior wall removal Removal of carpet and addition of tile in makerspace Installation of electrical outlets in floor and along walls Dimmer for lights Concrete poured for permanent wheelchair ramp Installation of automatic opening doors Estimate: $25,000 Total $51,093 Budget
Bibliography Gann, L. (2014). School Libraries for the 21st Century Design Considerations (PowerPoint slides). Retrieved from https://blackboard.uncg.edu/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_tab_group_id=_11_1&ur l=%2Fwebapps%2Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2Flauncher%3Ftype%3DCourse%26id%3D_4 04588_1%26url%3D Gann, L. (2014). School Library Facilities (PowerPoint slides). Retrieved from https://blackboard.uncg.edu/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_tab_group_id=_11_1&ur l=%2Fwebapps%2Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2Flauncher%3Ftype%3DCourse%26id%3D_4 04588_1%26url%3D Morris, B. J. (2010). Administering the school library media center. 5th ed. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited. North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, Instructional Technology Division. (2008). IMPACT: Guidelines for North Carolina Media and Technology Programs. Raleigh, NC