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Presentation transcript:


Standard 5.2 CREATED BY L.CARREON Standard 5.2 Students will trace the routes of early explorers and describe the early explorations of the Americas. Students will trace the routes of early explorers and describe the early explorations of the Americas.

Standard 5.2 CREATED BY L.CARREON Countries who were in power to explore Portugal Portugal Spain Spain France France England England

Standard 5.2 CREATED BY L.CARREON Reasons for Spanish Exploration Encouraged settlement in the new world Encouraged settlement in the new world Secure gold, silver and agricultural produce like sugar and indigo (blue dye) Secure gold, silver and agricultural produce like sugar and indigo (blue dye) Convert the Indians to Catholicism Convert the Indians to Catholicism

Standard 5.2 CREATED BY L.CARREON Spanish Settlements West Indies West Indies Cuba Cuba Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Hispaniola Hispaniola Later, they explored Mexico, Central America and most South America Later, they explored Mexico, Central America and most South America

Standard 5.2 CREATED BY L.CARREON Reasons for French Exploration The French wanted to fish for cod on the Newfoundland banks. The French wanted to fish for cod on the Newfoundland banks. Trade with the Indians for fur Trade with the Indians for fur Convert the Indians to Catholicism Convert the Indians to Catholicism

Standard 5.2 CREATED BY L.CARREON French Settlements Along St. Lawrence River Along St. Lawrence River Along the Mississippi River Along the Mississippi River Along the Great Lakes Along the Great Lakes Montreal, Detroit, St. Louis and New Orleans Montreal, Detroit, St. Louis and New Orleans

Standard 5.2 CREATED BY L.CARREON Reasons for Dutch Exploration They wanted to be part of the fur trade. They wanted to be part of the fur trade. They settled in New Amsterdam ( now New York City) They settled in New Amsterdam ( now New York City) Long Island and New Jersey Long Island and New Jersey

Standard 5.2 CREATED BY L.CARREON Reasons English Exploration Seeking religious freedom (Puritans) Seeking religious freedom (Puritans) Seeking relief from political tyranny (Glorious Revolution) Seeking relief from political tyranny (Glorious Revolution) English peasants were seeking economic freedoms English peasants were seeking economic freedoms

Standard 5.2 CREATED BY L.CARREON Why did the Europeans explore the New World? shorter route to Asia shorter route to Asia wanted spices and fine fabric wanted spices and fine fabric spread religious faith ( missionaries) spread religious faith ( missionaries) Protestant Reformation ~people sought religious freedom Protestant Reformation ~people sought religious freedom banks had money to give out for credit banks had money to give out for credit

Standard 5.2 CREATED BY L.CARREON Famous Explorers Christopher Columbus (1495) discovered America Christopher Columbus (1495) discovered America John Cabot(1500)-Northeastern North America John Cabot(1500)-Northeastern North America Pedro Cabral(1500)-Brazil Pedro Cabral(1500)-Brazil Balboa(1513)-Pacific Ocean Balboa(1513)-Pacific Ocean Ferdinando Magellen( ) sailed around the world Ferdinando Magellen( ) sailed around the world

Standard 5.2 CREATED BY L.CARREON Famous Explorers Jacque Cartier(1535)-St. Lawrence Valley Jacque Cartier(1535)-St. Lawrence Valley Henry Hudson(1609)-New Netherlands ( Hudson River) Henry Hudson(1609)-New Netherlands ( Hudson River) Hernan Cortez( )- conquered Mexico Hernan Cortez( )- conquered Mexico Pizarro-Peru Pizarro-Peru De Soto(1541)- Mississippi River De Soto(1541)- Mississippi River

Standard 5.2 CREATED BY L.CARREON Seven Years War ( ) Spain lost Florida but received Louisiana Spain lost Florida but received Louisiana (west of the Mississippi River). (west of the Mississippi River).

Standard 5.2 CREATED BY L.CARREON Why did the Europeans colonized the New World? wealth and power wealth and power a source of material and raw resources a source of material and raw resources selling home country goods to the colonies selling home country goods to the colonies making and selling manufacturing goods to the home country making and selling manufacturing goods to the home country place to ease overpopulating in the home country place to ease overpopulating in the home country religious freedom religious freedom

Standard 5.2 CREATED BY L.CARREON Famous Colonies  Virginia (1607)-1st English colony and 1st settlement, Jamestown and led by John Smith and John Rolfe  House of Burgress (1619)-1st assembly 1st slave (1619) bought into the colony because the Indians were not the best workers. 1st slave (1619) bought into the colony because the Indians were not the best workers.

Standard 5.2 CREATED BY L.CARREON Famous Colonies New England Pilgrims (1620) (Plymouth Massachusetts) led by Gov. William Bradford New England Pilgrims (1620) (Plymouth Massachusetts) led by Gov. William Bradford sought religious freedom sailed on the Mayflower signed the Mayflower Compact

Standard 5.2 CREATED BY L.CARREON Famous Colonies Samuel de Champlain-controlled Canada Samuel de Champlain-controlled Canada (French influence) and found Quebec (New France) (French influence) and found Quebec (New France) Sir Walter Raleigh-colonized Roanoke Sir Walter Raleigh-colonized Roanoke (N. Carolina) and known as the lost Colony (N. Carolina) and known as the lost Colony Sir Walter Raleigh Samuel de Champlain

Standard 5.2 CREATED BY L.CARREON Famous Colonies Massachusetts Bay Colony(1630) the Puritan followers were from the Anglican Church and led by John Winthrop. Massachusetts Bay Colony(1630) the Puritan followers were from the Anglican Church and led by John Winthrop.

Standard 5.2 CREATED BY L.CARREON Famous Colonies Maryland (1634)- a Catholic colony and established by George Calvert. Maryland (1634)- a Catholic colony and established by George Calvert. Rhode Island (1636)-created by people who disagreed with the Mass. colony (Roger Williams in Providence and Anne Hutchinson in Portsmouth). Rhode Island (1636)-created by people who disagreed with the Mass. colony (Roger Williams in Providence and Anne Hutchinson in Portsmouth). George Calvert Roger Williams

Standard 5.2 CREATED BY L.CARREON Famous Colonies New Netherlands (1664) Dutch controlled the settlements of New Amsterdam and Albany and later England took over in 1664 and became New York. New Netherlands (1664) Dutch controlled the settlements of New Amsterdam and Albany and later England took over in 1664 and became New York. Pennsylvania (1681)led by William Penn and the Quakers. They fought for liberty of conscience. Pennsylvania (1681)led by William Penn and the Quakers. They fought for liberty of conscience. Georgia (1732) was established by John Oglethorpe. It was used as a military posts Georgia (1732) was established by John Oglethorpe. It was used as a military posts

Standard 5.2 CREATED BY L.CARREON Why were the British successful in the colonies? They were united in the colonies They were united in the colonies They were defensible They were defensible Trappers, soldiers and missionaries didn’t have roots Trappers, soldiers and missionaries didn’t have roots They believed in They believed in GoldGold GloryGlory FarmingFarming FamilyFamily