Early Expeditions to Roanoke Queen Elizabeth I, of England send expeditions to explore the Eastern coast of North America Sir Walter Raleigh met the native tribes of the area: Secotans Croatoans
Early Expeditions to Roanoke Goals of Sir Walter Raleigh’s 1 st Expedition: Find resources (gold!) Claim territory Convert natives to Christianity Establish a base from which to attach Spanish ships.
Early Settlements in Roanoke Grenville led 100 men who settled on Roanoke Island, off the coast of what is now North Carolina. Governor Grenville left to get more supplies Why would leaving 100 men not be ideal for starting a new colony?? You can’t have children with only men!
Early Settlements in Roanoke Colonists didn’t have enough supplies! Fights with natives! English believed natives stole a silver cup. As punishment, an entire native village was sacked and burned. Natives were dying from European diseases. Colonists had returned to England after 10 months, when Sir Francis Drake stopped on the island.
Early Settlements in Roanoke When the ships with supplies FINALLY returned a year later, they found the colony deserted. Colonists had returned to England after 10 months, when Sir Francis Drake stopped on the island. Upon returning to an abandoned settlement, Grenville left 15 men to maintain the English presence until more settlers could be brought. What do you think happened to them?
The Lost Colony of Roanoke colonists (men and women) arrived at Roanoke to find it abandoned Skeletal remains of the 15 soldiers were found. Settlers improved relationship with the Powhatan tribe from the Croatoan Island nearby Native tribes kept their distance Settlers needed to rely on supplies from England!
The Lost Colony of Roanoke Governor: John White Had been a member of the 1585 settlement as an artist His daughter, son-in-law- and granddaughter lived there Virginia Dare- first English child born in North America! Left to get more supplies…. Took THREE YEARS!!
The Lost Colony of Roanoke White returns with supplies to find: No sign of people (no skeletons) Houses had been taken down (NOT destroyed) Carved into trees: ‘CRO’ and ‘CROATOAN’ No Maltese crosses (the agreed-upon signal for danger) anywhere
The Lost Colony of Roanoke White left without searching the Croatoan Island or the nearby areas due to a coming storm No hard evidence of the 1587 colony has ever been found! Records from Governor White and Spanish sailors disagree about the exact location of Roanoke. What caused the colonists of Roanoke to disappear?