By: Lauren Story Click here!
Answer the riddle Mountains What kind of landform is tallest of all With a spiky top where snow may fall? Mountains Click on the page to find out the answer, and then click on the picture to go to the next slide.
What you will learn today(: Today you will learn three different landforms and some facts about each. By the time you take the test you should be able to identify each landform and tell the difference between them. Click on the title to go to the next page
Mountain Hills Valleys TEST Hills Click on the words to find more about about the different landforms. When ready click on the star to take the test. Valleys
Click here to go to the main menu! Mountains Click here to go to the main menu! Click here to learn about what a mountain is Click here to learn about mount Everest
Click here to go back to mountain main page Mount Everest Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. Click here to go back to mountain main page Click on the picture to find out more facts about Mount Everest.
Click here to go back to the mountain main page What is a mountain? A mountain is higher and steeper than a hill. It is a landform that rises high above the surrounding terrain in a limited area. They are made from rocks and earth. Generally, mountains are higher than 600 meters. Those less than 600 meters are called hills. Click here to go back to the mountain main page
Click here to go to the main menu Hills Click here to go to the main menu Click here to learn about what makes a hill different then a mountain Click here to learn about what a hill it
Click here to go back to the hills main page What is a hill? A hill is a piece of land that rises higher than everything surrounding it. It looks like a little bump in the Earth. Click here to go back to the hills main page
What is the difference? They are less steep and not as high. But, like a mountain, a hill will usually have an obvious summit, which is its highest point. Summit Click on the picture to go back to the hill’s main page
Click here to go back to the Main Menu Valley Click here to learn the three different forms of a valley Click here to learn what a valley is
What is a Valley? Valleys are low-lying areas of land, situated between the hills or mountains Click on the picture to go back to the valley’s main page.
Three forms of Valleys valley forms are classified as U-shaped, V-shaped valley and a flat-base valley. Flat based U- shaped Valley Click on the flat based valley to go back to the valley’s main page
1.Which landform has three different forms? hill mountain Valley’s Click on the right answer to go to the next question
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Click here to go back to the slide with the link 2. From the website you looked at earlier, what kind of spider lives on this mountain? Black widow Black jumping spider Daddy long legs Click here to go back to the slide with the link Click on the right answer to go to the next question
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3. What landform has a summit? valley mountains hills Click on the right answer to go to the next question
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4. What landform is generally higher than 600 meters? mountain valley hills Click on the right answer to go to the next question
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Citation Google images- hills, mountains, valleys, different kinds of spiders Click here to go home