cms 2 TM includes cms 2 AutoArchive TM includes cm 2 2PDF TM Bundle price: $88 Demo Version Available 60 Day Money Back Guarantee CMS to the MAX Enhancements for Cougar Mountain Software ™
What does cms 2 ™ do? The cms 2 ™ product allows you to easily invoices, customer statements, purchase orders and other reports to anyone.
What works with cms 2 ™ ? S o you can out of any Windows based application that has the ability to print. The software converts the output to PDF, asks if you want to it. If you select the option, it launches your client (eg. MS Outlook) attaches the PDF automatically and you ’ re ready to pull the address(es) from your address book, add any comments and send it on its way.
Create and a PDF Document 1.Choose Print from your application and select PDFCreator, click “ OK ”.
Create and a PDF Document 2.Enter any file information you want to save and then choose “ ”.
Create and a PDF Document 3.You will then need to choose where you would like the file saved. Click “ Save ”
Create and a PDF Document 4.A blank message will now appear with your file as an attachment.
How Can I Get cms 2 ™ ? From your local Cougar Mountain Dealer or GPS Financial Services (aka & South Street #352 Cerritos, CA (714) Fax: (800) Or us at Demo Version
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