Tourism Input DHA Briefing to Tourism Portfolio Committee 21 June 2011
…Portfolio Review : 2011 – 2013/ AFRICAAMERICAS & the UKASIA & AUSTRALASIAEUROPE CORE MARKETSAngola Botswana Kenya Nigeria South Africa* USA* UK* Australia* India France* Germany Netherlands INVESTMENT MARKETS DRC Mozambique Brazil Canada China (including Hong Kong) Japan Italy Sweden TACTICAL MARKETS Lesotho Swaziland IrelandNew Zealand WATCH-LIST MARKETS Malawi Namibia Zambia Zimbabwe ArgentinaRepublic of KoreaAustria Belgium Portugal Spain Switzerland STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia STRATEGIC AIR LINKS/HUBS Mauritius, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Senegal, Tanzania, UAE Malaysia Singapore Country Manager Regional Director Stakeholder Manager Global Channel Manager 2011 – 2013/4 2
….2010 Tourism Statistics: Core Markets CountryOutboundTourists Arrivals% Share Angola % Botswana % Kenya % Nigeria % USA % Australia % India % France % Germany % Netherlands % United Kingdom % Source: SAT, Euromonitor 3
….2009 Tourists Spend: Core Markets CountryAverage Spent in SATotal Foreign Direct Spent (millions) % Share of total spent Angola R R % Botswana R 2 100R % Kenya R 8 700R % Nigeria R R % USA R R % Australia R R % India R R % France R R % Germany R12 500R % Netherlands R R % United Kingdom R11 500R % Source: SAT 4
…. ….2010 Tourism Statistics: Investment Markets CountryOutboundTourists Arrivals% Share DRC % Brazil % Canada % China (including Hong Kong) % Japan % Italy % Sweden % Source: SAT, Euromonitor 5
…. ….2009 Tourists Spend: Investment Markets CountryAverage Spent in SATotal Foreign Direct Spent (millions) % Total Direct Spent for all Tourists Mozambique R R % Brazil R R % Canada R R % China (including Hong Kong) R R % Japan R R % Italy R R % Sweden R R % Source: SAT 6