Dynamic Symmetry breaking with AI and Algebra
Iain McDonald Dynamic Symmetry breaking with AI and Algebra
Symmetry Breaking Cut branches of the search tree SBDS Partial assignments are symmetrically equivalent
Symmetry Example This assignment results in failure From this we can infer that X is also no good
SBDS using AI State of partial assignment, A Next assignment of a value to a variable, var = val Symmetric equivalent of A is g(A) We can now say: A and (var val) and g(A) g(var val)
Problems with this method Overhead increases with the number of symmetries At the root of the search tree all symmetries are equivalent
Using algebraic methods A symmetry is represented by a group element This permutation is: ( )( )( )( )
Orbit finding Algorithm Finds all the places that a partial assignment can go to Orbit
Advantages of Algebra Does not have overhead Store only the generators Find unique symmetries at each node
Problems with Algebra Re-generating symmetries at each node Symmetries may be invalid
Ideas for the future Current progress Greater integration of the two techniques
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