Transforming School Families with TS GOLD
Agenda Items ‒ T he Plan ‒ I mplementation ‒ 1 st Year Supports ‒ Analyzing the Data ‒ 1 st Year Outcomes ‒ 2 nd Year Changes ‒ 2 nd Year Outcomes Agenda Items
The Plan Selecting Providers 50% SR children Paying for SR children Three-Year Implementation Learning to observe (documentation & checkpoints) Planning for progression (lesson plans & reports) Family and community connections (communication) TS GOLD Data Entry One subscription / 40 sites Providers have no admin rights Funding source represents ELC funding types Professional Development 12 hour online basic course vs observation training The Plan
Implementation Meeting the Providers Determine how the system tailors to their school needs Explain how ELC will support their programs, teachers and children Grants Professional Development 12 hour online basic course vs observation training Interrater reliability testing not offered in the first year Implementation
Supports in the First Year Weekly Updates Documentation totals Timeline when checkpoints are due Helpful observation tips Observation Supports Reviewing observations virtually Modeling observation Different techniques for collecting observations Finding the technique that works for you Observation forms Checkpoint Supports Two weeks notice Checkpoint status report week before due 1 st Year (2013 – 14) Supports
Analyzing The Data Program Level Data Total children archived Staff turnover Developmental progression Observation increases Classroom Level Data Developmental progression Observation increases Child Level Data Developmental progression Analyzing The Data
First Year Outcomes ELC PHASE I IMPLEMENTATION GOALS ELC PHASE I ACTUALS The ELC will implement Teaching Strategies GOLD with: 30 providers 750 SR children 40 ELC providers enrolled in TSG 1,759 SR children private pay children 2,518 total children entered into TSG The ELC will complete Teaching Strategies GOLD overview training for: 30 providers 40 providers completed instructor-led TS GOLD overview training 456 teachers & administrators completed instructor-led TS GOLD overview training 171 teachers & administrators completed TSG online-basic course 69 teachers & administrators passed the TSG interrater reliability test The ELC will collect Teaching Strategies GOLD data for: 750 SR children 623 SR children private pay children 1,243 total children assessed in multiple checkpoint cycles as reflected in TS GOLD data 767 of the 1,243 children assessed (or 61.7%) showed developmental concerns 1 st Year ( ) Outcomes
First Year Outcomes Based on TS GOLD data, the ELC will successfully implement: provider and teacher workshops support groups training 23 teachers & administrators received Creative Curriculum online training 99 classrooms received improvement plans based on child development areas TSG data revealed as weakness for the classroom 13 TSG classrooms received CLASS assessment 6 teachers attended Mathematics and Block Play 21 teachers attended Dr. Seuss on the Loose ELC offered the above two trainings due to a decrease in observations received in Mathematics and Literacy 12 of the 40 preschools received refurbished computers TSG lesson plan support for teachers is available by appointment with ELC ECE specialists 1 st Year ( ) Outcomes- cont’d
First Year Outcomes The ELC will partner with local early intervention teams in the area to: support children suspected of developmental delays Madison Public Schools began piloting TS GOLD Birth – 3 rd grade Big Bend Community Based Care and the ELC share TSG data for SR-funded at-risk children Peaceful Classrooms, LLC provided 4 trainings and 2 group discussions to help teachers develop Conscious Discipline skills to support the social/emotional development of children in their classrooms North Florida Child Development Centers provided the ELC with administrative access to their TS GOLD subscriptions to better support teachers and identify children who may need monitoring 1 st Year ( ) Outcomes, cont’d
Second Year Changes Professional Development Planning for progression (planning & reports) Interrater reliability Staff turnover training Paper vs online Curriculum training Building the ECE Team Response to Intervention At-Risk SR children Lesson plan support Foster care partnership (BBCBC) System Changes Non-SR children 2 nd Year ( ) Changes
Second Year Outcomes ELC PHASE II IMPLEMENTATION GOALS ELC PHASE II ACTUALS The ELC will maintain implementing TS GOLD with: 30 providers 38 of the original 40 ELC providers are currently active in TS GOLD 9 ELC providers have signed a Non-SR (private pay) agreement The ELC will encourage teachers to complete: TS GOLD online basic course Interrater reliability certification 266 teachers completed the TS GOLD basic course 73 teachers passed the interrater reliability certification The ELC will monitor TS GOLD data for: 750 SR children 619 children in TS GOLD were active in & in total SR children 718 new children added to TS GOLD in children in the subscription were private pay, Head Start or Early Head Start children 2 nd Year ( ) Outcomes
Second Year Outcomes Based on TS GOLD data, the ELC will successfully implement: provider and teacher workshops support groups training 54 teachers completed Creative Curriculum online training 11 providers received classroom improvement plans in winter providers, comprising105 participants, completed planning for progression training 2 nd Year ( ) Outcomes, cont’d The ELC will partner with local organizations that can assist with and strengthen: child education teachers preschool programs A local Head Start and an Early Head Start program uses the ELC’s subscription to maintain all TS GOLD data Big Bend Community Based Care & the ELC together encourage foster care families to select sites that use TS GOLD The DCF & the ELC partner to assess all DCF-referred SR-funded children
Second Year Outcomes T he ELC will strengthen: the educational quality of ELC contracted providers 7 preschools received tablets & laptops to help teachers maintain observational documentation 10+ Florida-approved curricula added to the ELC Resource Room for providers to check-out and use to build lesson plans in TSG Curriculum support & lesson plan support offered to ELC providers Classroom materials to support children’s individual needs offered to providers ELC staff use the Response to Intervention model to help implement intervention supports for children not meeting expectations in TS GOLD 2 nd Year ( ) Outcomes, cont’d
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