Somatotypes GCSE PE Theory Mr. Leighton
Today’s lesson… ???
Task… 7 mins Using the paper in front of you and the board marker provided define and describe the following two terms… FIT HEALTHY
How did you do? Could your “late addition” describe what you wanted to say? What is really important is that rather than just being able to recite it “parrot fashion” you can both understand and describe the topic set…
Somatotyping… What makes a sumo wrestler good at his sport? Why can a high jumper clear a bar 2 meters above the ground? What makes a footballer so good at his job?
There are 3 main Somatotypes… Endomorph (fatness) Mesomorph (Muscularity) Ectomorph (Linearity/thinness in relation to height+weight)
So what are the characteristics? Endomorphs: Grouped together in sports that are dependant on power- more weight behind themselves in any action they complete i.e…
Ectomorphs… Tend to have long levers and excel at long distance or jumping events.
Mesomorphs… Tend to be involved in sports which require sudden bursts of energy and strength. Their muscular build means they can cope with anaerobic exercise more effectively.
So what are they key terms? Somatotype: Classification of Body Type. Endomorph: Wide Hips/Narrow shoulders. Mesomorph: Wide Shoulders/Narrow Hips. Ectomorph: Narrow Shoulders/ Narrow Hips.
Today’s Lesson… Understand the importance of the terms “Fit” and “Healthy”. Describe and identify the different body types- Endomorph, Mesomorph and Ectomorph. Understand which suits what sport.