Physically Fit People By Cheryl Beckmann Jamestown Elementary
Body Types Endomorph Mesomorph Ectomorph
Thin bones and stringy muscles.
Partner A tell partner B one characteristic of an ectomorph. Thin bones Stringy Muscles
Endomorph Fatty tissue with wide abdomen and hips.
Partner B tell partner A one characteristic of an endomorph. Fatty tissue with wide abdomen and hips
Mesomorph Muscular build with wide shoulders and a small waist.
Partner A tell partner B one characteristic of a mesomorph. Wide shoulders and small waiste
Partner B tell partner A: your body type your favorite sport why your body type is suited for this sport or why it is not.
Partner A tell partner B: your body type your favorite sport why your body type is suited for this sport or why it is not.
Qualities of Physically Fit People Strong lungs Strong heart Firm and flexible muscles Weight in a desirable range
Partner A tell partner B one quality of a physically fit person. Strong lungs and heart
Partner B tell partner A one quality of a physically fit person. Firm and flexible muscles