Tips about Anger Always & Forever Ministry.
What is “Anger”? A basic emotion that is good when it’s controlled and ugly when it is not controlled. Pulse-raising response to other’s behavior Your own thoughts and memories Anger Management training –Loss jobs, broken relationships, etc. –Hard time coping with the anger
Anger a Learned Response Anger is a learned response –Stress –Heart Disease Environment is which you grew up Learned/Unlearned Unaware of the problem
Signs of losing Control –Too intense –Occurs too often –Last too long –Affects health and relationships –Aggression –People tell you – angry, touchy, or irritable –You respond with violent words or actions –You are ordered to attend Anger Classes –You have a lot of broken relationships –You lose jobs often
How to control “Anger”? Slow down when you know in advance that something will make you angry. Empathize with the person that is causing anger. Create a plan to help you solve the problem Change your thinking about life or things that bother you Humor tends to break the tension
10 Tips to De-Stress Exercise Laugh Write Socialize Take care of yourself Get some fresh air Be kind to yourself Meditate Be thankful Make a change
Unwise Choices Substance abuse Smoking Overeating Drinking alcohol Gambling
Toxic Relationships What is a Toxic Relationship? –Boss with mood swings, people that are demanding, spouse who constantly puts you down, etc. –Someone who seems to always throw you surprises, or curves, keep you off balance, raises your anxiety, etc.
Handling a Toxic Relationship –Tell the person how you feel –Set limits –Control your responses –Ending the toxic relationships
How to handle a Breakup Advice from others that have survived the same or similar experience Family and friends will more than likely support you Counselor, Church, Support groups, etc.
How to handle a Breakup Don’t blame yourself Social Support, if needed Take time to process the change Empathy for the other party Seek an outside opinion or guidance if you feel you are losing your way
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