Glaciation is nothing new… Quaternary Period glaciations Gowganda glaciation
The last 1.6 Million years: The Quaternary Period Today Quaternary Period About 1.6 Ma
Glacials and Interglacials Ice sheets have advanced and retreated many times during the Quaternary Period Glacials and Interglacials Holocene: current interglacial Wisconsinan: Last major glacial
This bdy: 22-25 ka Woodfordian advance (part of Wisconsin) Illinoian advance
Max Wisconsin ice coverage (Woodfordian)
Ice advances as LOBES
The geography of it…
Accumulation zone Ablation zone
Regelation Movement as supercooled water Pressure melting Refreezing Glacier Flow of ice Bedrock Movement as supercooled water
Possibly done by clasts rolling along bed of glacier
Formation of a Roche Moutonnee
Plucking due to regelation
Regelation Pressure melting Refreezing Glacier Flow of ice Bedrock