11 th Grade Government/Economics Mr. Hurst
The Course Itself This is a two-part course for the school year. The first part will be about the Government of the United States, including how it was created during and after the American Revolution and how it works today. The second part will be Economics that will start with basic economic theory and progress into personal economics and how economics plays a major role in your daily life.
Supplies In strongly suggest that you use a 2 inch three-ring binder. It will help you stay organized during the year and the best way to keep the handouts that I will be giving. You will need both pencils (for Scantrons) and pens (for essays). I encourage you to use a highlighter for your tests. You will need access to a three-hole punch and a stapler.
Textbooks Please keep these at home as reference materials. The will not be used for class. The lessons will be found on Haiku and on my website under both the American History and Government sections. The website is
Tests and Quizzes I will keep strict adherence to the school test schedule. All items covered will be posted and detailed on Haiku. There will be two final examinations, one for Government and one for Economics. Quizzes will be given on material that is essential and important.
Homework Good News: I don’t give homework on a nightly basis! Bad News: When I give homework it is meaningful and graded. It may only be five minutes or it may be a take-home essay over four days or something in-between!
Projects There will be two (2) projects assigned for this class, one for each subject. Exact details and due dates will be given later in the semester. They will count as a full test on your average and will involve essay writing as well as research and outside content.
iPads and Laptops I encourage you to use these devices as long as they are used correctly. Any misuse will mean that the entire class cannot use them for notes etc. so be considerate to the others and don’t break this rule! From time to time I will also be using an iPad for several lessons that I have for this class.
Classroom Rules I do not have assigned seating but if you talk too much to your neighbor you will be reassigned. We have to start on-time every day as there is a great deal to cover in such a short time. Eating and Drinking – only if you have to, and no three-course meals! Clean up after yourselves please – we don’t have a maid!
Conclusion This course is not easy, it involves a great deal of hard work, studying and effort on your part. The Government section will help you for U.S. History next year. The Economics section will help you for life! I do not give make-up tests – please remember that now! If you are absent it is your responsibility to see me for the missing work. Sit back and enjoy, you will find this class to be both educational and beneficial to you.