1. Landsat vs. Rapideye TREE box S7 E39 (in dash line) Landsat 17/05/2010 Rapideye 02/07/2010
Site 4
2. Change detection Landsat 17/5/2010 Rapideye 2/7/2010 Landsat 30/6/2000
Landsat 1/7/2010Rapideye 2/7/2010
3. Forest cover detection Landsat 1/7/2010 Rapideye 2/7/2010 VHR image 05/10/2009 Object-based segmentation
Rapideye vs. Landsat Landsat 2010 Rapideye 2010 Analysis of no-change polygons
Landsat overestimation of logged area VHR LS RE
VHR LS RE Non detection of small forest blocks
82% forest cover 81% forest cover 47% forest cover VHR LS RE Underestimation of forest cover
Rapideye vs. Landsat In fragmented landscapes, Landsat fails to detect forest in many areas with forest cover of 20-90% (errors of omission) In homogeneous landscapes, Landsat fails to detect small canopy openings (errors of forest commission) Landsat forest estimates have high variance in those areas with forest cover higher than 90% (inaccuracy and lack of precision).
Rapideye vs. Landsat Landsat fails to detect forest in many areas smaller than 1 ha.
Actual distribution of forest cover within polygons from VHR data (just for comparison with the previous slide).
Landsat overestimation of logged area VHR LS SE_S
VHR LS SE_S Non detection of small forest blocks
82 % forest cover 76 % forest cover 47 % forest cover VHR LS SE_S Underestimation of forest cover