The methods of representing the round world on flat paper is called a projection. ALL projections distort the true shape and size of the world to SOME extent
Physical › Emphasize the natural features of land and water Political › Emphasize human- made features such as national borders
Show change over time
Title - Purpose of the map Compass Rose - Shows where the cardinal directions (north, south, east, and west) lie on a map Legend/Key - Tells the user about the symbols on a map Scale - Tells the user the ratio between distances on the map and actual distances on Earth
Location › Specific point on earth Place › Physical and human characteristics Human/Environment Interaction › How humans interact with the environment Movement › Movements of people and ideas from one place to another Regions › An area on the earth’s surface that is defined by certain unifying characteristics
Absolute location › An EXACT position Relative location › Deals with interactions that occur between and among places Examples › Absolute location The latitude and longitude of Leesburg is: 39° 6' 56" N / 77° 33' 50" W › Relative location Leesburg is located NEAR the Potomac River, West of Dulles Airport, and Northwest of Washington, D.C.
All places have characteristics that give them meaning and character and distinguish them from other places on earth. › Physical characteristics Mountains, rivers, animal life › Human characteristics Languages, architecture, religious beliefs
The effects- both positive and negative- that occur when people interact with their surroundings. › Examples: Pollution Creating a reservoir Damming a river Building houses
People interact with other people, places, and things almost every day of their lives. Movement of people, goods, and ideas
An area on earth’s surface that is defined by certain unifying characteristics. › Human › Cultural › Physical