Location Review and Reading Maps
What is the degree longitude of the Prime Meridian? 0 Degrees! Bell Ringer #1
Round Lake, Illinois is located 40 miles north and 10 miles west of Chicago, Illinois. What does this describe? The relative location of Round Lake #2
Draw the lines that measure the distance east or west of the Prime Meridian. I I I I #3
Draw the lines that measure the distance north or south of the equator. #4
What are 2 different ways to give an absolute location? Address Beach Dr., Round Lake, IL Cordinates- 20*N, 130*W #5
Give me an example of a relative location. #6
The Prime Meridian separates the earth into what 2 hemispheres? Eastern and Western hemispheres #7
We’re taking a vacation and we some help with the location of a few of the destinations we are planning on visiting. 1. What is the absolute location of New Orleans? 2. What is the absolute location of Chicago? 3. What is the relative location of California? 4. What is the relative location of Nebraska? Road Trippin’
Is the size of the actual earth relative to the size we see on maps and globes? Do all quality maps have similar items on them? Reading Maps Guided Notes
Projections All maps are projections of the Earth’s curved surface onto a flat page. Projecting the 3D sphere Earth onto a 2D surface can only be done by changing the actual 3D image!
Distortion Projecting 3D images onto 2D surfaces causes DISTORTIONS Distortion: Inaccuracies on all maps because of projection. Maps can distort the size, shape, direction, and distance. “All maps lie flat and all flat maps lie.” “All maps lie flat and all flat maps lie.”
What do you see on this map?
5 Things on a Map (B.O.L.T.S) B. Borders O. Orientation L. Legend T. title S. scale
Compass Rose A design on a map that shows direction: north, east, south and west. North is always at the top of the compass rose; south is always at the bottom. (Never. Eat. Soggy. Waffles.)
Map Legend The legend will tell what type of information is found on a map and the meaning of symbols. Symbols can change from map to map. There are both line symbols and point symbols. Font can also be used to distinguish important information on a map. Maps can have more than one legend.
Title Put a title on your map
Scale Gives relative distances.
Using complete sentences explain how projecting the earth onto a flat surface causes distortions in the size and shape of the earth. Exit Slip