JANUARY 6, 2016
Do Now! After quietly taking your seat, take out your World Geography Materials… If you have your signed syllabus forms, place them in the turn in box. If you have any supplies to turn in, take them out.
Supply Turn In…
World Geography Is… When you think of World Geography, what are some of the words or images that come to mind? Create a cover page for the class with illustrations of the images and words that come to mind when you think of the term World Geography. 4
Initial World Map Activity Using the directions given, do your best to complete each of the tasks given.
Enhancing Geography Skills Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) What you should be able to do after this unit… 6
Unit 1 Vocabulary Self-Awareness chart Place a check in the column that describes your awareness of each term “+” for understanding “?” for limited knowledge “-” for lack of knowledge By the end of our first unit, you should be able to place a check in the “+” column for each word
How do we study the Earth What are the main tools we use to study the earth? MAPS How else can geographers study the earth (in broader terms)? Geographers look at specific patterns and connections in the use of space. These patterns and connections fall into what are known as the 5 themes of geography.
The Five themes of Geography… Location Place Region Human Environment Interaction Movement How would you define each of these themes? When Geographers study each of these themes, what major question(s) do you think they are trying to answer? Address/answer these questions with your shoulder partner… 9
Five themes of Geography Location Where is it? Place What is it like? Region How are places similar or different? Human-Environment Interaction How do people relate to the physical world? Movement How do people, goods and Ideas move from one location to another?
Closure… What do you think could be used or measured to explore each of the five themes of geography? 11
Homework 1)Finish gathering supplies 2)Signed syllabus forms 3)Start watching the news 12
Theme: Location Absolute Location vs. Relative Location How do we measure absolute location?? Latitude, Longitude, Hemispheres (North, South, East, and West) Group Activity: Examples of Terms that define Absolute Location Create Illustration and Explanation for terms that describe Absolute Location Latitude Longitude Northern vs. Southern Hemispheres Western vs. Eastern Hemispheres
JANUARY 7, 2016
Do Now! After quietly taking your seat, get out your class materials including any supplies you may have to turn in Get out your composition notebook or retrieve it from the back table and return to your seat
Go Geography!! First: List Three Current Events Second: Write the Question and Answer for the day’s Go Geography! Topic: Themes of Geography What are the 5 themes of Geography? For each theme, list the question Geographers are trying to answer…
5 themes of Geography 1) Location Where is it? 2) Place What is it like? 3) Region How are places similar or different? 4) Human-Environment Interaction How do people relate to the physical world? 5) Movement How do people, goods and Ideas move from one location to another?
Themes of Geography Graphic Organizer Each person in the group will have a Theme Each theme has a series of questions to answer Once each person has answered their questions, come together as a group to complete your Graphic Organizers
Themes of Geography: Location Absolute Location vs. Relative Location How do we measure absolute location?? Latitude and Longitude Also, Hemispheres (North, South, East, and West) Location Activity… 19
Introduction to the Atlas Getting to know the Atlas! (You will be answering basic information using what is stated in your atlas, as well the knowledge from your partners)
Homework? Look over notes from today’s class Start Reading Chapter 1 from the Textbook Watch the news
JANUARY 8, 2016
Do Now! Take out class materials Take out your homework from last night (Location Activity) and place it in the Turn-In Box Retrieve your Go Geography! Notebooks from the back table
Go Geography! #2 3 CEVs Topic: Using Latitude and Longitude: Turn to pages 8-9 in your World Atlas… What does this map tell us? In what ways could a geographer use latitude and longitude for this map?
Using Longitude and Latitude on this Map Name the country or ocean in which the coordinate falls into (Rally Coach): 1) 45’N, 105’W7) 45’N, 120’ E 2) 60’N, 60’E8) 90’E, 75’N 3) 15’S, 75’E9) 165’E, 15’N 4) 30’S, 60’W10) 120’W, 15’N 5) 30’S, 135’E11) 0’, 75’N 6) 30’N, 45’W12) 15’N, 15’E 25
Angelina’s Tattoos… Together, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have five children from different countries around the globe. Today, we will be using our Atlases to explore where they came from…
Using Different Types of Maps/Map Projections! Different types of reference maps can be used to display various information, which helps geographers study the different themes of Geography. Additionally, there are several ways to display the spherical nature of the globe on a flat surface. These Map Projections enable geographers to show the curved surface of the earth on a flat map, however a flat map will usually distort some aspects of the Earth’s surface Read the packet and answer the questions that follow having to do with the different types of reference maps and the different map projections geographers use… (use pages f textbook to answer map projection questions)
Map Projections Projections enable geographers to show the curved surface of the earth on a flat map Because the earth is a sphere, a flat map can distort some aspects of the earth’s surface Use pages of your textbook to answer the questions about the different types of map projections
Homework Finish Classwork Review Class Notes from this week Keep up with the news 29
JANUARY 11, 2016
Do Now! After coming into class and taking your seat quietly, take out your materials for class Take out your map packet from last class, place the completed assignment in the Turn In Box Papers in the Pick Up Box Retrieve your Go Geography notebooks from the back table
Go Geography! #3 3 CEVs Topic: Projection Review! Why do geographers use map projections? What are some of the positive and negative aspects of using map projections?
Map Projection Review 33
Projections Robinson Projection Shape: Oval, has latitude and longitude on edges Good Features: balances distortion of shape and size, so fairly accurate Problems: still has some land shape and size distortion
Projections Eckert IV Projection Shape: Equal area map – oval Good Features: Shows sizes of places accurately – good for population density Problems: Distorts shapes near the poles so it has shape distortions near far north and far south
Projections Mercator Projection Shape: Square Good Features: Shows direction between places accurately – particularly near the equator Problems: distorts sizes of continents near poles especially; it has area distortion
Projections Lambert Projection Shape: Circular Good Features: shows size accurately at the center; great for showing poles Problems: Poor with distance or shape
Projections Goode’s Homolosine Projection Shape: Broken shapes Good Features: Shows continents as they compare in size Problems: Distorts shape and size of oceans
Showing the Round World on a Flat Map 39
The Globe! Label each of the Oceans and Continents Trace the Prime Meridian and Equator in BLACK Color the Ocean in BLUE, Continents in color(s) of your choice Locate the North Pole, Write your first and last name on the pentagon Cut out your globe Tape the string under the North Pole FIRST Start taping the edges one by one until you have constructed the globe
Homework… Finish coloring globe Watch the news Review notes/chapter 1 TEST ON FRIDAY! 41
JANUARY 12, 2016
Do Now! After coming into class and quietly taking your seat, take out your World Geography materials. Retrieve your Go Geography notebooks from the back table
Go Geography! #4 3 CEV’s Topic: Making Maps If you were going to make a map of Haynes Academy, what type of map(s) do you think you could make? What type of information could you display? 44
Gala Baskets $5-$10 donations Gift cards acceptable as well Our class theme: Sportsman’s Paradise (The Saints, The Pelicans, LSU, Tulane) Bring donations by Friday! 45
Finishing The Globe! Label each of the Oceans and Continents Trace the Prime Meridian and Equator in BLACK Color the Ocean in BLUE, Continents in color(s) of your choice Locate the North Pole, Write your first and last name on the hexagon Cut out your globe Tape the string under the North Pole FIRST Start taping the edges one by one until you have constructed the globe
Parts of a Map (Page f Atlas) Map Title - gives a name to a map. Normally, the map title is prominently displayed and describes the purpose of the map. Compass Rose - also known as a direction indicator, displays the cardinal directions (north, south, east, and west) and sometimes intermediate directions (northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest). Map Scale - used to relate distance on the map to real distance on the ground. Most maps display the map scale in statute miles and kilometers, although some maps display the map scale in feet, yards, etc. Map Legend/Key - also known as a key, is used to describe the symbols found on a map. Map Symbols - pictures used on a map to represent information. Lines of Latitude and Lines of Longitude – imaginary lines that measure distance north or south of the equator (lat.) and east or west of the prime meridian (long.) Colors – represent a variety of information on a map, usually explained in the map legend
Types of maps Special Purposes/Thematic Maps A special purpose map provides nearly any imaginable topic with the scope being broad or narrow. General Purpose Map A general purpose map shows information that is often used by map readers. Political Maps Shows the features of earth’s surface that humans created Physical Maps Shows the types of landforms and bodies of water found in a specific area
Making A Map: Haynes Academy! Working with a partner you will be creating a map, depicting an element of the Haynes Academy Campus (main building, long building, courtyard area, gym with field, etc.) Your map must contain all of the map elements from the previous page. On the back, you must explain which type of map you and your partner created and what the map is depicting Will count as a Quiz grade! (You will be graded on neatness, accuracy, and your ability to follow directions)
Do Now! Take your seat quietly, take out your class materials. Retrieve your Go Geography! Notebooks from the back table If you have gala money, you may bring it to Mr. Glueck
Go Geography! #5 3 CEV’s Topic: Making a Map After the preliminary stages of making your map, what do you think the hardest part of making a map is? Explain your answer. 53
Pre-Test Multiple Choice and Essay 54
Go to groups: finish Making your Map! Working with a partner you will be creating a map, depicting an element of the Haynes Academy Campus Your map must contain all of the map elements from the previous page. On the back, you must explain which type of map you and your partner created and what the map is depicting Will count as a Quiz grade! (You will be graded on neatness, accuracy, and your ability to follow directions)
Homework Be ready to turn in map tomorrow after first 10 minutes of class Watch the news Review classwork (TEST ON FRIDAY) 56