Warm -up Copy HW Please take out your connection packet and a pen or pencil Today’s first presenter can set up
Essential Question How can societies use what they learned from the past?
Greek Astronomers Eratosthenes- said the earth was round -measure the distance around the earth Aristarchus- said the sun was the center of the universe
Greek Mathematicians Archimedes of Syracuse-figured out the value of Pi -great inventor (levers) -solid geometry Euclid- wrote a book called Elements, which explains plane geometry (lines, points
Medicine Hippocrates: Father of medicine Approached being a doctor like being a scientist Hippocratic Oath-be ethical (do what is right) Other Greek doctors… Discovered how the heart pumped blood to the body Discovered the brain was the center of the nervous system
Geography Comes from the Greek words “writing about the earth” Herodotus –created first map of the known world Ptolemy-wrote Geographia which listed 8,000 places around the world -developed latitude and longitude
Biology Study of plants and animals-helped doctors 600 B.C.E. Each event in the natural world has a cause and effect Aristotle: classified plants and animals
Closure List three things you learned about Ancient Greece and how they can be useful to our world today!