Kentucky’s Open Portal Solution for Electronic Submissions Sgt. John R Carrico Kentucky State Police
History of KyOPS KyOPS was developed for the submission of electronic reports. KyOPS initially was made up of one application, which was known as E-CRASH. This was developed for the submission of Traffic Collisions only. KyOPS has been expanded to include multiple programs to increase the effectiveness of data collection. This was accomplished by integrating both Traffic Data and Crime Data. KyOPS has improved the accuracy of data captured and the timeliness at which the data is available for use.
E-CRASH “Collision reporting” E-Crime “Summary Crime Reporting” E-Citation “Criminal and Traffic Citations” E-NIBRS “National Incident Based Reporting” E-Scan “Data Extraction from 2D Barcodes” E-Courtesy Notice “Traffic Warnings” Professional Stop Form “Used to Collect Demographic Information” Collision and Criminal Diagramming Software KyOPS Includes the Following Programs History of KyOPS
Kentucky State Police Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Lexington-Fayette Urban County Police Louisville Metro Police UK Transportation Center Kentucky Injury Prevention & Research Center Federal Highway Administration Governor’s Office For Technology Administrative Office of the Courts Many local law enforcement agencies Agencies involved in development of KyOPS:
History of KyOPS The Wizard-based E-CRASH Application has served as the model for all subsequent KyOPS programs. This dramatically lowered the cost of the software. Electronic collision and crime data is placed into the system within one (1) hour of submission. Citations are submitted directly to the Court System within 20 minutes (two counties only). KyOPS is provided to all law-enforcement free of charge. Training, maintenance and support are also provided at no cost to the agencies. KyOPS started with approximately 25 users agencies. Currently 295 agencies utilize KyOPS. This equals 72% of agencies in Kentucky.
Why use KyOPS ? Standardized/Uniform data collection Quality of data increased Better analysis of data Timeliness of data Total access to statewide data More cost effective for agencies: –Free software –Free software maintenance –Free training –Free Help Desk Support
How Does KyOPS Work? KyOPS is a stand-alone application and functions on any Windows 95 or newer operating system. KyOPS also works in a Network environment. KyOPS features approximately 1500 edits within the multiple programs. This ensures the quality of the data by not allowing officers to complete reports with incorrect/inconsistent data.
How Does KyOPS Work? KyOPS has a supervisor review process allowing agencies to review, approve or disapprove all reports prior to entry into the main database. The reject process returns rejected reports to the officers with a note with needed corrections. Accepted reports are stored in the main Kentucky CRASH system and a copy returned to the officer for his records.
How Does KyOPS Work? KyOPS also has a simple database function outside of the main database. This is used to locate reports on each computer or server. This allows officer to manage and maintain their own individual collisions/cases/citations. This includes accepted reports, rejected reports, and new, unsent reports. KyOPS has an Auto-Update component that ensures that the most recent version of the software is installed on the Officer’s computer.
Demo of KyOPS
Contact Information Sgt. John R. Carrico Kentucky State Police Criminal Identification & Records Branch 1250 Louisville Road Frankfort, Ky (502)