Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Philosopher Mathematician Scientist Biology Geology Psychology Computer science Physicist Engineer Linguistician Librarian Lawyer Philologist Sinophile Made important contributions to: Mathematics Metaphysics Epistemology (the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion) Logic Philosophy Physics Geology Jurisprudence (philosophy of law) History Technology Ethics Probability Theory
What do we care about? 3 big Topics: -Math -Science (physics in particular) -Engineering
Let’s start with math… Discovered calculus (yeah, I know, I know, Newton discovered calculus, right? Well not really. Leibniz actually discovered calculus at the same time as, and independently of Newton) Many of the notations Leibniz created are still used today E.g the integral sign and using d for derivatives Was the first to use integrals to find the area under a curve Discovered the product rule for differentiation
Then onto science… Was big in the world of statics and dynamics Disagreed with Descartes and Newton on many subjects He saw space, time, and motion as relative, whereas Newton thought them to be absolute He recognized this xxx years before Albert Einstein This led him to his Theory of Motion pertaining to kinetic and potential energy He realized that the total energy in a system will be conserved
Next we have engineering… Leibniz believed greatly in applying theory to real world applications “father of applied science” Designed many useful items Wind-driven propellers, water pumps, mining machines, hydraulic presses, lamps, submarines, clocks, steam engine (with Denis Papin) Contributed to computer science Documented the binary numeral system While studying the system, he imagined a machine that could represent binary numbers He actually envisioned the first computer Brushed upon the concept of feedback
Academic Life
The art and science of Bending Basics: Definition: The change in form of an object when a load is applied perpendicularly to a longitudinal axis of the object Example:
The Quasistatic Scenario Don’t worry, it just means that the amount of bending, and the forces, don’t change over time
Euler-Bernoulli Theory of Bending Applies to simple bending only The theory was constructed using a combination of four different aspects of beam theory Kinematic Constitutive Force Resultant Equilibrium
The Equation How much will it deflect in relation to the load placed on it? EI = w(x) d4ud4u dx 4 That’s how much Amount of deflection Young’s Modulus Area Moment of Inertia The Applied Load
Bending Stress in a Beam
Some Prior Knowledge Basis: It is assumed that plane sections in the beam will remain plane This means that no shear forces on a section are taken into account Therefore the theory does not deal with shear forces on the object
Another Drawback Also relies on the fact that the yield stress of the object is greater than the maximum applied stress Yield stress is the amount of stress an object can take before it deforms plastically rather than elastically A material that deforms elastically returns to its original shape A material that deforms plastically will remain deformed permanently to some extent and is irreversible
And Another… The material must follow Hooke’s law The beam must be initially straight, and must have a cross section that is constant throughout. The beam must have an axis of symmetry in the plane of bending The beam must have a tendency to fail by bending rather than by crushing, wrinkling, or buckling And Another….
So what’s it good for then? Haha, well that’s a good question It does really well to explain simple cases of bending Provides a wonderful basis for the understanding of bending Gave other scientists a platform to work off of Engineers use it to analyze simple beams under an applied transverse load
Timoshenko to the Rescue!! Stephen Timoshenko Russian Engineer Contributed immensely to the subjects of engineering mechanics, elasticity, and the strength of materials Improved the Euler-Bernoulli theory in 1921 How, you ask? Well, he accounted for the effect that shear forces had on a beam This made the theory much more accurate and applicable
Dynamic Bending Put that beam in motion, and watch it go, go, go