Factory Building Symposium on Lean Production January 29, 2007 Austin, Texas
Hi-Tech Housing, Inc., Bristol, IN Butch Berlin Assistant Production Manager Wall Production and Changeover Time
Hi-Tech Housing Started:1991 Location:Bristol, IN Home types:HUD Code and modular Price point :Mid to high-end Design:Substantial customization Production:2 to 4 floors/day Market area:Midwest
Partition Build Wall build cycle time too long Not keeping up with wall set High visibility area
Partition Build Replenishment Equipment Appearance No designated storage locations and consumed floor space A place for everything acts as a visual for material handlers Two wall tables, one rarely used Focus resources on one expanding jig Disorganized and dirty appearance Painted, resealed and cleared makes it obvious when something is out of order Then Now
Results One-time cost of the RPI event: $8,000 Annual labor savings: $35,000 Reduced space requirements by 1,250 sf
Line Moves: Changeover Time Plant floor procedures Waiting for lines to be moved and floor to be cleaned Sweeper preps before each module in sequence Then Now
Results Reduced changeover delay by an average of 13 person-minutes per station At 2 moves per day: labor savings of $13,400 per year At 4 moves per day: labor savings of $26,800 per year Less damage to air and electrical lines Improved safety Better morale
Highlights RPIs scheduled to minimize disruption to production Strong management support RPIs focus on improving the area Meetings spaced to give workers time to think Strong enthusiasm
Going Forward Comprehensive “Five S” program Numerous other major RPIs Working with suppliers to push lean upstream
Lean Symposium
Manufactured Housing Research Alliance Jordan Dentz (212) x13 Factory Building Symposium on Lean Production