{ PSAE Work Arguments and Evidence
Argument: an attempt to persuade someone to think a certain way about a topic Evidence: Proof that supports the argument Argument/Evidence
Logical: evidence that is commonly held as fact and is scientifically verifiable Empirical: scientific evidence that you can derive from statistics, direct observation, or experiments Anecdotal: nonscientific evidence that you cannot prove as fact…based on another person’s experience or firsthand account Types of Evidence
A method of distracting the reader/listener through appeals instead of using sound reasoning Rhetorical Fallacy?
Emotional Ethical Logical Types of Rhetorical Fallacy
Appeals to commonly held positions False dilemmas Appeals to Pity Personal Attacks Common Rhetorical Fallacy
What evidence does the author use to support the argument? Which evidence is effective? Which is anecdotal? Practice 1
Read and answer the questions Passage 2
1: C 2: A Passage 2
Answer the written questions Answer the multiple choice questions (twice. Once on paper I gave you, once on other piece of paper) WorkKeys Practice
1: A 2: B 3: D 4: D Answers
Is personal attack ever successful? What does it say about our society? Question