Ask yourself… DOES THIS MAKE SENSE??
LOGICAL FALLACIES A fallacy is an incorrect argument in reasoning resulting in a misconception or presumption
AD HOMINEM Ad Hominem literally means “To The Man” Jack is a Liar. Jack said = 4 Thus, 2+2 is NOT equal to 4!
AD IGNORANTIAM Ad Hominem literally means “From Ignorance” Because I am not trained in Western Medicine, I am better equipped to UNDERSTAND new age science!
ARGUMENT FROM AUTHORITY Asserting your knowledge based on Authority Because I am a PhD, you HAVE TO believe me!
APPEAL TO FORCE Asserting your opinion based on FORCE! Believe or be punished - Galileo
POPULAR BELIEF Most people believe it so it HAS to be true! Santa Claus!
FINAL CONSEQUENCES If this is NOT true, BAD things will happen! Tooth Fairy!