Today’s Focus: How does the government use land for building? What rights to people have to stop the government from taking their land?
Definition: Smart Growth Planned communities to make better use of roads and resources in existing communities. WRITE THIS
Definition: Urban Sprawl When a city spreads out and expands over rural land. WRITE THIS
Who cares? The government wants to avoid traffic and pollution. They want to prevent urban sprawl from destroying the environment.
But that’s just one way the government makes decisions about land use…
Definition: Eminent Domain: Part of the 5 th Amendment The government’s ability to take private land for public use after offering fair market value. WRITE THIS
Question: If you house is on the edge of I-95, and the state decides that they want to expand the highway. Do you have to sell your home to the government?
YES! Even if you didn’t want to, the government would have to pay you fair market price for your house. You would have to sell it because it was for the public good- they are expanding the highway for the people to use
Supreme Court Case: Kelo vs. New London 2005 City of New London, CT forced Mrs. Kelo to sell her house to build shopping center. She said this was NOT eminent domain, because it was not for public use. She sued saying this was a violation of her 5 th Amendment. WRITE THIS
Kelo Loses the Case- Forced to Sell The Kelos lost the case- had to sell their home under the 5 th Amendment. The government claimed- EMINENT DOMAIN.
Summary: The government makes decisions about how to use our land. One part of this is eminent domain, where the government can take your property for a fair price (5 th amendment); this was decided in the case of Kelo vs. New London.