Preparation of the Body Exam Preparation DateMonday 1 st June TimeHigher – 11.30am Intermediate 2 – 1.00 – 3.00pm Area 2 - Preparation of the Body You will have a choice of 3 questions (each question normally has 4 parts with the total question being marked out of 20). Complete one question only.
Managing your Time Time allocation of 2 hours 30 minutes Spend 5 minutes reading all 3 POB questions and select the best question for you. Spend roughly 40 minutes on your POB question This leaves you approximately 2.5 minutes per mark, you should use this as a guide for how long you spend at each part of the question. 2 mark questions – 5 minutes 4 mark questions – 10 minutes 6 mark questions – 15 minutes 8 mark questions – 20 minutes REMEMBER THIS IS WRITING TIME
Revision Areas Cycle of Analysis Identify what is to be analysed. Observe the performance Collate the results of observation Identify strengths/weaknesses of performance Compare with good performance or agreed criteria Prepare plan of action to improve performance Carry out plan of action Repeat
What needs to be considered? How did you collect information on your performance? Within performance – observation schedules in the form of match analysis sheets/movement analysis sheets. General – Match analysis Focussed – Movement analysis Out with performance – fitness tests used Training diary/log Information collected Before/During/After
Revision Areas Physical Related Aspects of Fitness Important for Football. Physical Cardio-respiratory endurance Muscular endurance Speed (endurance) Strength (endurance) Flexibility Power You must have detailed information of actual situations of how a ‘model performer’ should be performing and what they need to do. This information gives you details for completing strengths and weaknesses on you own performance. Remember you should always be discussing your own performance.
Revision Areas Skill Related Aspects of Fitness Important for Football Skill-Related Balance Agility Timing Coordination Reaction Time Movement Anticipation You must have detailed information of actual situations of how a ‘model performer’ should be performing and what they need to do. This information gives you details for completing strengths and weaknesses on you own performance.
Revision Areas Mental Related Aspects of Fitness Important for Football Mental Level of arousal Managing emotions Rehearsal Concentration You must have detailed information of actual situations of how a ‘model performer’ should be performing and what they need to do. This information gives you details for completing strengths and weaknesses on you own performance.
Revision Areas Planning a Relevant Training Programme Factors to take into consideration. Stage within the training season Off/Pre-season/post season Training cycles (meso/micro/macro) Current level of fitness Short/Long term goals (Goal setting) Peaking for performance Specific personal needs
Revision Areas Planning a Relevant Training Programme Selecting Training Method Fitness only Combined fitness and skills training Combination of both Continuous Interval Fartlek Circuit training etc
Preparation of the Body Revision Planning a Relevant Training Programme Principles of Training Specificity Frequency Intensity Duration Reversibility Progressive Overload
Preparation of the Body Revision Monitoring Progress/performance During/After Video Observation schedules Training diary/logbook Personal evaluations Coach observations This PowerPoint is available to download on the Higher Wiki site. Click on the POB link then find POB revision PPT file. http//
Revision Questions 1. In an activity of your choice, select two important aspects of fitness. Describe in detail why each aspect of fitness was important to your performance. Give specific examples to support your answer. 2. Select one aspect of fitness from part (1). Describe in detail one session in which you used a specific method of training to develop this aspect of fitness. 3. With reference to the demands of the activity, explain why you consider this method of training to be appropriate. 4. During your training programme you will have monitored your progress. Give reasons to explain why this was important.