Date: Activity: February 4 th March 3 rd March 5 th Meeting Open House Launch April 7 th April 9 th Meeting Launch May 5 th May th Meeting National Sport Launch June 2 nd Meeting July 7 th July 9 th Meeting Launch August 4 th August 6 th Meeting Launch September 1 st September 3 rd Meeting Launch October 6 th October 8 th Meeting Rocket City Blast Off* 2016 Activity Schedule HARA Membership Application Date _____________ Name: __________________________________ Phone #: _______________________________ Address: __________________________________ ________________________________ __________________________________ NAR Member: ____ N ____ Y NAR # ___________________ Certification Level: TRA Member: ____ N ____ Y TRA # ___________________ Certification Level: Membership Renewal: ____ Individual ($20) ____ Family ($30) New Membership: ____ Individual ____ Family ( see table for new member prorated dues) For a Family Membership, list other family members here: __________________________________________________________ Additional instructions on back New Member Prorated Dues Schedule Launches are hosted at Mid Tenn Turf Hickerson Rd / Manchester, TN * Local launch - location may vary Join HARA to Get Discounts HARA members get discounts with vendors
Launch into rocketry with HARA! For more than 35 years HARA has promoted amateur rocketry as a tool for teaching mathematics & the physical sciences through our innovative & hands-on flight opportunity programs. Our diverse club membership shares an affinity for rocketry, ranging the full spectrum from model rocketry to experimental high power. Our meetings expose you to everything from the fundamentals of rocketry to what is trending in state-of-the-art research here in the Huntsville area. Our workshops & build sessions help you develop rocket construction skills, & our regular rocket launches provide you the opportunity to fly your projects & advance your hobby in a safe environment. Our mission is to help you get the most out of amateur rocketry. National Sport Launch (NSL) 2016 HARA is excited to host NSL 2016, Memorial Day Weekend in Manchester, TN for three days of exhilarating rocket launches and time with friends. The NAR established the National Sport Launch (NSL) as the premier annual sport rocketry event in our nation. Whether you are a veteran rocketeer or just launching your hobby, NSL is a must attend. Learn more by going to Thinking of starting a TARC team? HARA has long proven itself a nation-wide leader in TARC team development. HARA hosts Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC) rocket design classes to prepare students and mentors to qualify for the TARC nationals in Washington D.C. Why you should join HARA. HARA members will enjoy new benefits in Access HARA’s exclusive members resources! Want to access or share more rocketry resources? Login to the members only area! Save on launch fees! A $5 launch fee at each launch helps cover the cost of equipment upkeep. Since your dues are already doing that, you won’t be charged again. Discounts to Venders! We want you to buy from our friends & local vendors. They support our launches & want your business. Get up to 10% off rocket supplies at Madcow Rocketry, 10% off at Wildman Kentucky, and 15% off parachutes from Community! Rocketry is more fun in a club! HARA is an award winning chartered section of the National Association of Rocketry (NAR) & the Tripoli Rocketry Association (TRA). Whether you’re a beginner, expert, student, or adult, HARA is your ticket to maximum enjoyment of rocketry! Application Instructions: NAR & TRA Information: Are you a member of NAR or TRA? Circle your certification level. Membership Types: An individual member is 16 years or older, has full privileges, & voting rights. A family membership includes the immediate family (spouse & children under 18). They have full privileges,but count as one vote. Please check if you are renewing your membership or are a new member. How to Join: Tear off slip & return to a HARA officer or mail with payment to: HARA ROCKETRY 126 Southwood Drive Madison, AL The membership year begins in March. New member dues are prorated through the flying season. Make checks payable to ‘HARA Rocketry’. Write “Membership 2016” on the ‘for’ line. The first 10 people to join in 2016 will receive a HARA ball cap for free. HARA 7:30pm on the first Thursday of each NASA’s Educators Resource Center 1 Tranquility Base, Huntsville, AL 35805