Task Layer Maps A multi-disciplinary approach to task analysis AIGA Design Summit Today’s date
Agenda uWhat is a task analysis uWhat is the problem with task analysis uWhat are Task Layer Maps uConcrete example
Task analysis is… uIdentified set of tasks u Based on direct user-contact, preferably on-site u Display what and how an end-user interacts with a computer to complete a given task u Task analysis shows how the status quo, helps set quality standards u Reference point for envisioning a new way of working: new scenarios u Essential for checking completeness in concept design
Problem with task analysis uThe problem with task analysis is they are often not helpful communication tools u They are too specialized, not collaborative u Not intuitive: they live in their own world u Few beyond the cognitive architect understand them u No one else shares their value due to this lack of readability. u A few examples will illustrate…
Some examples: uPlease don’t scream, what you are about to see is true.
Task Layer Maps are uBased on collaborative principles u Represents tasks in an easy to read and follow system u Show parallel tasks instead of timed or rule based tasks u Over-simplified for overview u Customizable for more details per discipline (one size fits all)
Task Layer Map process: uSimple meeting of laws of mankind and the laws of nature (or at least parallel processing). u Step 1 Make spaghetti u Step 2: Straighten spaghetti u Step 3 Make Lasagna
Step 1: Make Spaghetti uList all tasks in a brainstorming session u From the user study connect all the tasks in the order they are completed u Draw lines of dependency or flow or any other basis for a serial connection from one task to another u Any system will do, but multiple scenarios works best
Step 1: Make Spaghetti
Step 2: Straighten spaghetti uLayer according to time uOr possibility of working in parallel
Step 2: Straighten spaghetti
Step 3: Make Lasagna uNormalize the drawing uRemove redundant connections
Step 3: Make Lasagna
What does this get you? uDesign/Development team get for the first time u Shared artefact, everyone can participate uinput for speghetti can be anything from natural language scnearios to anyother internal methodology as long as dependency or flows are included uOutput can be customized, but basis is shared u An overview of what they are trying to make u A product team lingua franca u A method of checking for completeness u Improved quality of product/service: everyone can see problems before they are developed.
Concrete example uThe steps needed to complete an experience design project
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