Integrating coaching with classroom learning, to improve managers’ performance in resolving complex & ambiguous business issues. += ClassroomCoaching Manager’s performance Integrating Coaching & Classroom Learning
Provider - Client: A collaboration ProviderClient Craig Ashhurst Niche Thinking Ian Lees Fairfax
Three Design Elements The client - provider relationship The design & learning process The program content
The Design Dilemma: Provider Perspective Client Perspective The organisational context The managerial context Non-standard development requirements The market context The client need The limitations of traditional solutions
Our Solution Process: Situated learning, exploratory pilot Metaphor: Wine tasting & dinner Relationship: Commonalities Open design approach Values Worldviews Content: Management Thinking Tools
Brinkenhoff’s Model Business Impact Informal Dialogue Exploratory Situated learning Wine Tasting Coaching Communities of Practice Change in practice Cost savings efficiencies Provide Learning Interventions Create Focus & Build Intentionality Support Performance Improvement
Implementation Focus group Handpicked senior managers Pilot 2 x 1 day workshops 2-4 hs coaching Community of Practice finish ++
Evaluation Report Response sheets Interviews Comments What next? Communities of practice Situated Consulting Coaching Specific thinking tools
Our Learnings Content: Relevant & immediate Process: Situated learning & development Relationship: Trust & openness