Institut Català d’Oncologia ICO DiR. The ‘Qualy’ End of Life Care Observatory - WHO Collaborating Centre for Public Health Palliative Care Programmes Workshop 2: Improving the quality of palliative care in a setting or district level 2011 Dr X Gómez-Batiste & Dr Carles Blay.
Institut Català d’Oncologia Components of PCPHPs - Clear leadership and aims - Needs and Context Assessment - Clear model of care and intervention and definition of the target patients General measures in conventional services (Specially Primary Care) - Specialist services in settings - Sectorised networks with coordination, continuing and emergency care - Education and training at all levels - Research Planning - Availability and accessibility of opioids and essential drugs - Legislation, standards, budget and models of funding and purchasing - Evaluation and improvement of quality - Evaluation of results, indicators - Action plans at short, mid and long term - Advocacy - Social implication: volunteers, social involvement in the cultural, social and ethical debates around the end of life
Institut Català d’Oncologia Improving the quality of palliative care in all settings
Institut Català d’Oncologia Demographic and setting scenarios Demographic Rural Urban Rural-urban Metropolitan Settings Primary/community care Nursing homes Longterm / intermediate Hospitals: district general, university Cancer Institutes ICO DiR. Centre Col·laborador de l’OMS per Programes Públics de Cures Pal·liatives Adapt the organisation to needs and contexts
Institut Català d’Oncologia Boundaries: other services Conventional services Primary care Nursing Homes Acute Hospitals Nursing homes Mid term and long term, RHB, Centers Hospices Primary care
Institut Català d’Oncologia Aims of this workshop Identify a list of measures of improvement palliative care for the next 2 years Not including: -Implementing a specialist service -New budget for personnel
Institut Català d’Oncologia Settings / Groups Primary/community care Cancer Institutes: Oncology wards and Outpatients’ clinics Acute Bed Hospitals: general wards and outpatients’ clinics Emergency Services Longterm / intermediate Nursing homes ICO DiR. Centre Col·laborador de l’OMS per Programes Públics de Cures Pal·liatives
Institut Català d’Oncologia ICO DiR. The ‘Qualy’ End of Life Care Observatory - WHO Collaborating Centre for Public Health Palliative Care Programmes The ‘Qualy’ End of Life Care Observatory WHO Collaborating Centre for Public Health Palliative Care Programmes ICO l’Hospitalet Hospital Duran i Reynals Gran Via de l’Hospitalet, l’Hospitalet de Llobregat Institut Català d’Oncologia