International Workshop on HEP Data Grid Aug 23, 2003, KNU Status of Data Storage, Network, Clustering in SKKU CDF group Intae Yu*, Joong Seok Chae Department of Physics SungKyunKwan University (SKKU) Suwon, Korea (On behalf of the HEP Data Grid Working Group)
CDF II (Collider Detector at Fermilab) International Workshop on HEP Data Grid Aug 23, 2003, KNU Proton-Antiproton Collider Experiment Collision Rate : 2.5 MHz Event Rate to Tape : ~300Hz Average Data Size of an Event : ~100KB Expected Size of Real Data per year : 10 9 Events * 100KB = 100 TB Monte Carlo Data = Real Data * 3 PByte Data Storage and Data Processing Computing Power is required CDFII Central Analysis Farm (CAF)
CDF CAF/Korea DCAF International Workshop on HEP Data Grid Aug 23, 2003, KNU Korea DCAF ( Decentralized Analysis Farm) at KNU A Linux Cluster with PBS Batch System at KNU: 23 CPU’s Implementation of SAM Grid through DCAF and PBS cluster Dr. Kihyeon Cho’s Talk CDF CAF(Central Analysis Farm) at Feynman Center 306 Dual Nodes and 92 File Server (180 TB) Develop DCAF at off-sites (UCSD, KNU,..)
SKKU CDF Group International Workshop on HEP Data Grid Aug 23, 2003, KNU SKKU CDF group’s activity 1 Faculty and 4 Graduate students B Physics Analysis Currently ~400 GB and ~10 CPU’s are used at SKKU and Fermilab Computing Resources at SKKU File Server : ~ 4 TB (2 TB + 2 TB(plan)) Linux Farm : ~10 Nodes (2 + 8 (plan)) Desktops : 7 Linux PC’s Network : KOREN + KORNET
File Server International Workshop on HEP Data Grid Aug 23, 2003, KNU 2 TB File Server Optimization is in progress 12 Channel Raid (3WARE) 13* 180G 7200rpm HDD (IBM) 1Gbps to work nodes (planned) Another 2TB File Server planned
Linux Farm International Workshop on HEP Data Grid Aug 23, 2003, KNU 1 Batch Server + 1 Work node 7-9 Work nodes more in a month CPU : 1 Pentium 4 2.8C Hyper-Threading Technology Functions like dual CPU 1G DDR RAM/120G 7200rpm HDD 1Gbps bandwidth Plan to install PBS batch System Move to FBSNG system (mini DCAF) and SAM GRID
Construction Model International Workshop on HEP Data Grid Aug 23, 2003, KNU NF S Submit jobReturn result Batch job Result NFS User Linux desktop Batch Server Working nodes File Server LINUX FARM CONSTRUCTION MODEL
Network Network Connectivity CHEP - SNU, CHEP - SKKU: ~ 40 Mbps CHEP - CDF : ~20 Mbps SKKU - CDF : < 2 Mbps : plan Direct Connection to KOREN Fermilab/CDF CHEP/KNU SNU SKKU KOREN 155Mbps APII International Workshop on HEP Data Grid Aug 23, 2003, KNU
Grid Activity International Workshop on HEP Data Grid Aug 23, 2003, KNU Globus 2.2 is installed in a test machine Configuration of CDF Analysis Software under Globus environment will be done between SKKU and KNU DCAF In collaboration with SKKU Belle group, EUDG test bed will be constructed Plan to implement SKKU mini DCAF with SAM GRID in Linux farm
Summary International Workshop on HEP Data Grid Aug 23, 2003, KNU SKKU CDF group’s work on Grid is in a very early stage Construction of file server and linux farm is in progress Plan 1 Gbps between SKKU machines 100 Mbps to KNU/SNU and 20 Mbps to Fermilab/CDF 1 st : Configuration of CDF software in Globus nd : Build EUDG testbed at SKKU 3 rd : Construct mini DCAF through SAM GRID at SKKU