Welcome to Voice of Praise Worship Center!
Pastor N. R. Taylor Jr New Hope Road Bluefield, WV (304) FAX: (206) Websites: Find us on Facebook
Prayer Requests This Week Ruth Canan Christine Furches Arvella Grose and FamilyArnella Beggs Dana Sarver Tim Buckalew Scotty Price and Family Raymond Knuckles Jr. Craig & Emily Daniels and Baby Buford Cordle Daniel Smothers Francis Whitt
Extreme Voice Radio Tune in every Sunday at 11:00 am for our live broadcast of our morning service, at
Wednesday Evening Service Wednesday, December 9, at 6:30 pm. Join us as we continue the Bible Study entitled “The Christmas Experience”. This is a 6 week study of the Christmas story, held each Wednesday evening, that reminds us Christmas is more than just some secularized holiday! Produced by Kyle Idleman and facilitated by Sarah Taylor.
Extreme Voice Youth Friday, December 11: Extreme Youth is under the direction of Alecia Lester. Come out and learn, worship, fellowship, and chill with us from 7:00 PM-9:00 PM. Anyone from grades 7th-12th are welcome to join us. We will also continue our tradition of the cereal bar, bring a box of cereal and most importantly a friend!Alecia Lester
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Church Christmas Dinner Sunday, December 13, Right after Morning Worship Service. We will be serving Turkey and Ham with all of the traditional sides. Everyone is invited to stay and join us as we celebrate Christmas as a church family. Every family is encouraged to bring one or more of the sides listed on the sign-up sheet that is located at the Information Center.
Christmas Program & Candle Light Communion Service Sunday, December 20, at 6:00 PM: More details to come.
Nursery Schedule Sunday, December 13Faye Miller Janice Agee Sunday, December 20Suzanne Phipps Gina Taylor Sunday, December 27Rosetta Dillow Regina Stevenson Nursery Schedule