Terms PeopleEconomyEventsPotpourri
This was the fear, held by many Americans, that Communism was going to take over. $100
What was the Red Scare? $100
This is the ban of the sale and manufacturing of alcohol. $200
What is Prohibition? $200
These people illegally transported alcohol. $300
Who are bootleggers? $300
These people believed in a literal translation of the Bible. $400
Who are Fundamentalists? $400
This is the name for women who wore short skirts, makeup and bobbed hair in the 20s. $500
What are Flappers? $500
This man illegally taught evolution in $100
Who was John Scopes? $100
This man was Attorney General who went on anti-radical raids. $200
Who was Mitchell Palmer? $200
This man became president in $300
Who was Herbert Hoover? $300
This man revolutionized the car industry in the 1920s. $400
Who was Henry Ford? $400
This man was one of the first major jazz trumpet players in America. $500
Who was Louis Armstrong? $500
This is the practice of buying stocks with borrowed money. $100
What is Buying on Margin? $100
These companies were created to help stores run installment systems. $200
What are Finance Companies? $200
Many Americans, who could not afford everything they wanted, began to buy things on this. $300
What is Credit? $300
The practice of putting up a piece of property to guarantee a loan is called this. $400
What is collateral? $400
People who sell stocks in anticipation of falling prices are called this. $500
What are Bears? $500
This event effectively began the Great Depression in $100
What is the Stock Market Crash? $100
The largest strike of the era, which lasted for nearly a year and spread across 10 states, regarded this industry. $200
What is the Steel Industry? $200
These raids rounded up more than 6000 immigrants and held them for being suspected radicals. $300
What are the Palmer Raids? $300
The passage of this Amendment made prohibition legal. $400
What is the 18 th Amendment? $400
This was the famous trial deciding whether or not evolution could be taught in public schools $500
What is the Scopes (Monkey) Trial? $500
The new style of management, which efficiently used both people and space, is called this. $100
What is Scientific Management? $100
A new kind of paper, used to spread gossip, was called this. $200
What is a tabloid? $200
This was an illegal bar during prohibition. $300
What was a speakeasy? $300
These were Italian immigrants executed for murder. It was never proved that they actually did it. $400
Who are Sacco and Vanzetti? $400
The 1920s saw the rebirth of this white supremacist group. $500
What is the Ku Klux Klan? $500