Non-Objective Sculpture Beginning 3-D Art Non-Objective Sculpture
Visual Arts Standards: 2.1 Solve a visual arts problem that involves the effective use of the elements of art and the principles of design. 2.2 Prepare a portfolio of original two-and three-dimensional works of art that reflects refined craftsmanship and technical skills.
Artist of Inspiration: Sol Lewitt
Vocabulary: non-objective = a work of art that does not represent or depict a person, place or thing.
Vocabulary: free-standing sculpture = 3-dimensional art that stands alone without support (not hanging on a wall or suspended from the ceiling).
Vocabulary: unity = a common element used to tie pieces of an artwork together..
Objectives: All students will exhibit mastery in… Identifying non-objective art Drawing using a variety of line types Creating a 3-D composition Paper sculpture construction Paper sculpture construction Paper sculpture construction
Materials: Fine & extra fine point Sharpie markers, 12”x18" white drawing paper, glue, colored cardstock
Project Requirements: Drawing is entirely non-objective and has a variety of line types Sculpture is free-standing and non-objective Shows unity by repeating the same shapes and/or forms
Due Dates: Line drawing complete: Monday 9/17 Final sculpture complete: Friday 9/21
Today: Begin your drawing by dividing your paper into several sections. Start to fill in each section using different line types. You must use a ruler for straight lines! Even though you will be cutting this up to create a sculpture, the quality of your drawing will show. The more detailed the drawing the more interest your sculpture will have.